.. 64 A Defcriptiotz 1Jf the confirmed in his Turn, he can fay, . that fuch bath the Lbrd been to hitn ; what vvere Da– -vid's dying Words, I Kings ,i. 14. Who hath delivered 1ny Soul' out ~~ all Diflrefs, – how that in no Trouble-, or Exigence of l1is L1fe, he \Vas ever left \vithout a Door ofHope, and thus alfo \Vith Caleb, -7ofoua xiv. _10. To give in fon1e fuch \\i"itnefs for God, ' 'I qlTI now near the Clofe of rfitne, . " and do teftify, that the \\' ord of his ' ' Truth and Pro1nife, he ·hath furely· I " acco1npli£hed ; whjch bath brought n1e '-' fafe andhonourably .throt1gh,whe11 fuch " as did cliHruft the fa me by lVlisbelief, ' ' and fought after another Refuge, found I ~' all their Confidences faiL'' 6. And ' knowing likewife h0w great a Surprizal Death n1ay he; - and that fuch as have fhined in tt1eir Day, n1ay yet fet under a · Cloud, and go filent off the Stage ·; ·he judgeth it the 1nore needf~\1 to have fuch a Piece of his d..ying Work prepared, as one .of: the ~hoicef'c :Legac~es he can be· gueath to his furvi ving Friends, in ~ Sea .. ion, vvhen _it hath ufual1y the greateft· -Ad vantage- of. .Weight and. ~ccept~ n~e ; it being ftill qualified \Vlth ' Chr1fL.an I)rudence and hun1ble Sobriety; tfo as all 1nay ; . \ I I \