.. · Jtate of..a CHRISTIAN. 6) , _ v1ay fee its wh0le Intent is to co1nmend· - , . .. to Mens Coufcience the Way of rfruth and Godlinefs~: and ·not thet11fel ves, and thus direct it ~f~r the proper Ufe and Irn- · · provement of their ·neareft Relations. I lcqow it may be fb:.a1 1ge to fotne, wh'at is !poke upon this Head; but as 'tis fure the prefent D~y hath its f)uty, and tach rfin1e of our Life hath fo!ne proper \Vork, fo I humbly judge, that this .. feerns to fall .in, as the L; ft Servjce- of a .dying Chriftian to his Generatio'n, to de– liver off his Hand ~ the Truth which he had received and hath oft proved, with his ·confirn1atory Seal and Teftiniony there- . to. And now is it in fome tnore than,or.. -di11ary \Vay called ·for in this Hotir of ·great Dar kt1efs, when, if the Secu.rity of the abfolute Pro1nifes flood not good tq / the Church, we tnight fear Religion mjght quickly vv_ear out, . anq Truth pe.. rifh fro1n the Earth ; and as fo foletnn ~ ,.... .and weighty a 'fhing ibo.uld, it be Inanaged with n1uch htunble Prudence, fo that , it 1nay be ' judged, tha~ there is -no ferious --- ~nd obierv,ing Chriftian, ,but hath fome })eculiar Engagements, und.e_r which they find thc1nfeives held even beyon~ others, yea,