Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

70 A !Jefcription of the co;!firnzed he hath given to the Church haven~ j ufl: Weight : But, _ oh! ho\v wo'ndetful a Teacher is the Hol v Ghoft, when fudh ordinary Means fail, and are inacceffi ... ble, by· ftirnifhing his People then "vi th t hefe firopgeft Argun1en.ts of I.~ove ~nd Povver, vr-ho having had but.. fn1a1l Meafi1res of Light, yet were not unfaithful to i1nprove' the ftnalleft De· gree of fuch a ·ral~nt? ) . yea, fo great a rfhing is it,' to at- . tain a folid Faith of Things wholly remote from our Se11fe, and fa far a· bove the Reach and Apprehenfion of )'.lature, or to have an abfolute Reli.. a·nce on an invifible Refuge for our prefent and , eternal State, as -~~o com– nlon Afient can anfwer, when the very ]{.eft and quiet of the Soul, 1nuft' needs lle ~i11 the fure and finn I)erf\vafion hereof. " 6. It is tou vifible alfo, how little the 1)ractical Ufe of fuch a Mean hinh yet l)e.en eifayed in the "Church, that all , who are lVIe1nbers thereof, n1i.ght no - lefs know the Strength and Firtnnefs of ' the Foundations of their Faith, by its own Evidence, tl)an the general Articles , of , '. ., . r