Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

7 2 A Defl·,·iption of the confir;cned that it fhould be granted, that Chrifti– ans now be bor11, -ai)d not new creat– ed. · - 7· Yea, js it not fure, tho' if feem , little underftood, that the pritnary Grounds and · Evidences of our Faith, are not only as to their End, demon– ftrati~e.of the Truth and , Divinity of th~ Scnpture, but are upon the M~tter·, ' fuch Detnonftrations alfo, which · moft natively refult {rorri the fame hy infallible C9nfequence; and are . thus to be accounted, not as hu.man~ but divine Argun1ents, given us by the .Spirit of God. " 8. ·I lliall but further add: how fuch \ as do ferioufly ·1_1onder Things, will find this· Demonflration to be no tnore " important than clear, that to be a con– finned Chriftian, -and a confimed Prote– ftant are cqnvertible Terms ; and that if tbey that are under that d~plorable Bondage and Darknefs of Popery,' were ~ but once awakened to fee the Truth I and Certainty of the ·Chriftian Faith, by its :·: intrinfick and objeB:ive Evi– dence, and taken off that brutifh Cre– dulity and Dependence· on the alone . 1 , . Credit I' ) '. ~ . ' \