Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

/·· 8 Cihe confirming Work 1 ment ; is fo clear as cannot conze under Debate. · · / I ' I \ I. THAT this Way did the great Au· thor. of our Profefiion hitnfelf taR:e, not only by the Authority of his Word, and the Power and Energy of Grace, but with that conyincing Evidence and De– Inonftration of his : rruth to Mens Un• derfta.nding, as might found alfo a firm and rational 'Affurance hereof. - · · II. THAT for this End he did pray the Father, 7ohn xvii. 21. ~nd was fo mt1ch prc=ffed herein, that fo great an ex– ternal Demonftration ofthe Truth ofthe Gofpel, in the Concord and Unity 'of his -People, might be kept c~ear, that the "\V.,.orld might thus believe that he was fent of GOD, and have a deeper Convi– ction hereof wrought in them, by fuch ' an Evidence. I II. THAT one ij1ecial Intent of the Gofpel of Luke, was for this 'End, L.uke i. 4• ~fhat Men might know, not only the Things themfelves by. a naked Re.... lation,_but the Ceitainty/ofthefe T.hings, \Vherein they had been forrperly 1nftru... cted. ·1v. THAT ....... \ ' J