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-of R_ELIGIO J.V. 9 . IV. THAT herein did th~ Mini-ftry of Apollos [o bright}y ihine forth, Atls xviii. 28. Ana .was then of tnoft fingular Ufe to the Church, by that Clearnefs ot rational Conviction and de.rnon{J:rative Argutnents for the. Tr}ith of CHRI S'T, / as the greatefl: Gainfayers could uot withftand. · · - V. TH -AT 'tis fure, it \vas then with– ~ out ~xception, exprefly·required of the meanefi \Vithin the Church, tb be always · ready tCY render the Realons of their ·Hope to all who asked: And not only to ~ know "'~bat they did believe., but \vhy · they did fo, as is ·clear, l' Pet. :iii. I 5'. l'his cnnld not be by -bringing forth of , interrial Evidences~ - for Convittion -of o... ' thers, but by·giving them.an Account of the 111oft cogent Gro_unds and De– monftrations of the .Gofpel, as tnight ~~ tnoft prevalent, ~nd confirn1ing to the . Weak, and leave others 1nexcufable ·: And iee1ns to- have been then ipecially lJreifed in thefe Pritni.tive I'imes, as a proper Teft of their ChriH:ian Profeilion. VI. ANn we fee herein alfo, how much thefe excellent Bereans \Vere taken up, · an~l were fo -highly c~mtnended of the Holy G.hofl, Ac1s xvii. II. rfo know f ~ , the