Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

/ I 1 f lo 17Je conflr1ning ~rk the deJnonflratz"ve· Part of Chr.iftianity, and by its own Evidence with that intire Harmony a'nd Confent ~£ the :Scripture ' . !herein, and their beiijg thus diligently 1~tent in that comparing Work of Reli– ·gion, to fee the Truth thereof, not fingly, ·and apart by the1nfelves alone, but in that .jointUnion and .Coherence wherein,they fiand, each in their own -:I).obm, for con– firniing and giving Light to other. ' -,rll. .T H .A'T th1~ \~vas the Way alfo, wher~in -the Gofpel did .come to the . Genttle Ckurch, is clearly fhewed, I Thefs. i. ) . i'lot in Word only, but as -in , J>ower, and in the Holy Ghofl, fo alfo itt 1nuch Aj!itrance of UnderftandinJ, tfpon • its o·wn-Eyidcnce, which was that Way, it ~1id fo wondtrfully prevail over the World· ao-ain11: Nature, and the Streatn of Flefh 0 and Blood, that frood in the furtheft Oppofition thereto. * ' , · VIII. 1' HAT one of the greateft Ser• vices of the ApoJlles in their vifiting the Chun~hes, did expref1y... lie here ~ ~ Acts xiv. 2 2. "ro confirm the Souls of the 1 • Difciples, in the firft Place, in the Cer- . , .taint y of their Faith,. and .then in ex– hort.ing ·then1 to cont1nue 111 the fan:e, io as they 1night follow the Loan, wtth ' · the •