Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

,- 14 The confirming lFork ren1arkably pe~ilous and trying than the firft. . · ' · - VI. YEA, if fnch a .confirn1ing.Work be 9ne of the greateft Means to advance . · the Repnte and Honour of Religion, · vvhen its \\panted Awe and Veneration is fo far loft, and t_o awake ,Men to deeper In1preiiions ·of 1ts 'truth, when fo few fee1n now under any {uch Weight; then it is /certain, there was neve-r ni.ore . ~ed of the fa1ne than in this l)ay. Po~I T. V. __ q HA 'I fuch aService to fhe Ch1Jrch, doth not.. only refpec1 the nzore + 'knowing, inquijitive and judicitJus Part · thereof, but the l'neartefl ProfeJ!ors of Religion alfo, ofwhonz this is nec~ffarilJ' required; 1·s e1Jident o.n tbefo Grounds. I. BEcAusE each ·Chr-ifi:ian fhould have - '/ -undoubtedl)rfuch a Ballafl on their own Soul, of the folid and rational Grounds . of their Faith, as \vell.as thofe ofgreater . , · Parts and Endowtnents: 'rhe pro1:poting .gf w'hich, were it rhore deeply confider- .. -ed, I dare ·!·1un1bly adventure 'to fay, / . · would· be found one of the cho1ceft ~. · Means to , protnote . Chriil:ianity this Day. · ' r / II. BE· . '- / '