/ ·: ,, of RELIGION. 17 : ·_ cy of Evidence with the Chriftian Faith, .~· as tnakes any l)onbtfulnefs herein filn– l)ly _impoffible, throtigh want 'of the / greateft Advantage of Means; yea, fuch ' as are of anot her Kind than ·to induce ' only a probable Perfwojion of the fan1e. -vi. BEeAusE -it is one of the fad-. deft Sympto1ns of the prefent State of Religion, I that :fo few altn~ft in whole Congregations, can give any clear Aifent to the Truth and Certainty thereof, but to Amazement, both live and die Stran– gers to t~e fame; yea, 'how tnany of -thefe who ate otherwife ferions in Reli- - gion, yet have their :Filith flarfed this Way, and are deft~tute of any fuch Sup– port, but, as it is not the Nunzeroufizefs of Profejfors, hut the Strettgth and So– lidity of thefr Faith, ·\vherein the Chur– ches Strength moff lies, and hath tnore flourifhed .in a few fuch to beget a grea.. ter Awe·and Veneration of .Religion a- , Inongft Men, than ; at other rfitnes in the greateft Multitude; fo is 'it the_ fJ1ory of Divine·Truth, that it can fubfift by its own proper Evidence, and preferve .its Station in the worH of Ti;ne-s, when . all external Arguxnents do moft vifibly ceafe. B 3 ,· p0 s IJ' ~.