Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

\ . . IS The ,co!ifir7t-zing Work , PosIT. VI. '1 f] A.' 'I 'tis fully dt~i 1nonjh~able and clear, how no jinz-ple ·In- . Jlruclzng of Men, itz the general Princi1 ples 1 of Religion, can be the proper and adequatd Me-ans for ft.tch ·a Faith of AJ– , Jent to th~ Truth thereof, on ·its ow;z ·E-vz: gence·,.or anfwer that AppH:olick Pahen~ ·of lay.1ng the Foundation, He"b. vi. 2.· .But tjatfome [pecial Duties elfe' are cal· . led for to fo high an 1-t.:nd; fuch wherein, 1tot only that true prinzitive Co11.jirnzation ~n the Chr{jlian F{lith, might have fonte praElical f!Je, but we 1night alfo hoj.e therewith, for a more re1narkable out-lettingof cqtifirnting(lnjluences_of the ,Spirit· of God. ·_· ·- -"' I • wHAT is to be underftood herein, r fuall humbly offer in a few , Part~Gu· · lars, ., ' 'L 'rH~T it is one of the greatefl: · Concerns of )heIJ\;finiflerial ,Work, and -of the Key of Doctrine, ,to have all who hear tbe Gofpel ) in,the jirfl Place, pre!– ied to take Religion fo far to Heart, as to make a feriqus Enquiry into the · 'Grounds and Reafons here<;>f, and thus . to know their being on fure GroQnd herein, tiot becaufe they' lt1~ow not an6- . . ther j ! / ' ' ( I (