Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

of RELIGION. / ther Way, but becaufe they know this is the alone Way of Truth~ to \vhich . they ~ dare trufl: their I1nn1ortal Souls. 2. That for this E11d the fupream Truths of Religion be ref)refented· with that Certainty of Evidence, and Detnonftra- , ~ • tion, as both fuch great and niarvellous · ·. rfhings do require 1 and the Ten1per of / fuch ,a ·gain-faying Age now /calls .for; and to have this preffed n1ore on Mens J udgment and Confcience, that the · ' J hings of God, \vhich are.o'f the higheft· · Confequence, ·ReaHty and Subflance, can have no · poffiple Receptio11 by any in1· plicite or ·probable Belief thereof, t1or -– can admit any Pretence ~or the fatne, when the.Lo R D bath"given filch Kind of Proofs and Evidence, as leaves Mens Darknefs·herein) without any Shadow of Excufe. . · . - . . · II ·THAT ·it peculiarly belongs to the Catecpetic~-1l Work of Religion, to take fotne Account of ,the tneau'eft Profeffors thereof, and 'vith a fpecial Refpect to the Youth; ol their FaJth 'of Aj[ent to the - Doctrine of CHRIsT , on what Grounds and Certainty, of Evidence this is found· ed, and for t beir inftrucl:ing therein, as ,well as in the general Principle-s.of ~eli. · / gton; /