Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

~~ · 'Ihe confirming Work I . as the tnofi judicious Cotnmentators o!l that SGripture do, clear1y render it ' ; and fo this was a fpecial Part of the pritni- ,tive Pt,:ac~ice, nut only with refl)etl to fuch, who were co11verted frotn Heathe– itifm., but were born ·within the Churc·h, ~nd Partakers of that Seal of Baptifit?_ uz their Infancy; to bring thetn to anfwer to that great Detnancl of the Covenant, Do yon now Confent uponE-vidence and Choice, to be the Lo R n's, and to be a SubjeCt of his Kingdotn, and {Onbrace · the La\vs thereof; and ' do vou thus in Sincerity and Trqth, declare 1the fame, wherein you have a good Confciencer-be·– fore GOI) ? And of- what blefiecf Fruit ·and ""t\dvantage llioulci _this be bo~t.h for the Increafe and I-Ionour of the Goipel, if this tvere tnore deeply taken to Heart fi1r .fotne practical Ufe, _accordi~ng to the Rule, and prt"ntitt"ve ·Pattern in'the Chur– ·ches of CHRI'S T 1 -_ ·_ IV. IT were fpecially defireable alfo, that there be fon1e clear Vt'ew artd Sum11taryby i tfelf, of t11e tnoflcogent Groutzds _a;id Demonjlrations of the Chr_ijlt'an Faith, with refpet1: both to the doElrinal, hijlo– rical,- and prophetical Part thereof, and in that Manner accolnmod·ated, _as the ,... - meanefl:-