Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

. " ~4 _ '1he confirming Work -~ a nzorefolemn and reftoring Ti1ne 'ofRe: ·]igion in t~~ _World, is_ on ~a near Ap- . p~oach, (tho ,all fen.fible .E-vtdence would · jee1n to controul this,) ,and may be now 11zor~ looked after, and prepared for, un– !fer a fu£table Jmprejfion of theft Grounds for tf;e fnne. , '. . , · \ I · I. · THA .T the l)fomi!ed Titne of 'he · Con'Vefjion of the- Jews cloth affuredly dra-vv near"; and whatever be judged by_~ fon1e of the LoRn's immediate .Appear– ance herein by a Mt"racle ~ yet it is 1 un.... ~- queftionable that n~thing in the W.ay of . Means, c~Juld be more promifing and ho11{jul to pron1ote this great,End, than by proH1oting fo grea~ a Service as this for the Chriftian Church. , _ JI. T.HIs. T a greater Extent a1fo of tl1e . · Profeffion ofCHR Is T atnongft the Gen– tiles, and rending of the '\rail that is now over n1any dark Nations, feetneth clear1y infurecl thei~ e\vith; .and ~hat a hope– ful Evidence fhonld th1s be 1£ fuch a Prtt-: , blick and Catholt'ck Spirit were 1nore feen, hoyl to advat~ce the higheft E~1ds cif Re– ligion on fuch . an Accoul}t w1thout Ref– l)ect to any 1)artial or/divided Intet:eft .? ):ea, that this bleflZe~l of GOD, 1njg~1t 111 I < . "' I '