Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

. \ 28 Ti:~ r: conjrmi1;g Work .. · I m·material Soul, in fo pear and tnarvellous an ·Union. , . V. THAT there is Inch an. univerf'll Confent of Mankind in all Ages there– to, as ~fhews Religion Jo be founded in the very Nature ofMan, and as eifential to his.Being, as his 'ij.eafon is, yea, that · · t he ultimate Difference of Man frotn the Beaft, and mofl effential Property ot hu~ n1an Nature lies ·here. · · VI. THAT .tho' every one qe an Ene. , 1ny to what ton:nents hitn .; yet it \Vas . never .pofible for an Atheift to free hi1n._ idf fron1 that u ria\~oidable Senfe and ' F'e.ar . oi a Deity; nor, in a World fo much.Joft in W.ickednefs, could he· ever _· extinguifh the A\ve ~)f Religion, or nJ.ake i ~ny rational Oppofition to this greatcft Article of the Co1ntno11Faith of Man· kin~ ~ · VII: THAT .the Reafon of the whole Conftitution· of Nature, a11d Vi£iiiitude of., :rqings h,~re, is fo · grea t,~ as, without r - fl1ut,ting out the Ufe of Reafon, vve can- .~ · not but fee, how ·nothing poilibly could "'· , . have been better; and that any vvant · her.eof in the whole Frame of the Uni.. • I ~ · ve.rfe, . would be as the Djflocation of a ; "'joint of the Body, and were not concei- . ·· . - ~ .. - \ - · ' 'vable . "#