Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

.... of RELIGION. 29 vable to be other\vife than it is by infi- · J)ite \Vifdotn appo~nted. . VIII. THAT 'tts fiinpl y llnpqffibie, that GOD bleffed for ever ihould not ex– ilt, or ·that this Univetfe, (which is a Work fo highly becotning the q reatnefs of its Maker,) could poilibly fubfift for one Hour or Minute ofTirne without a fu- . prean1 Independent Power and -Being, ~ on' whi( ·,h all vifible Beings have their Dependence, fince they cannot d_el)end · upon nothing. · - . IX. THAT fuch is the abfo1ute Necef– fity of the Faith affo of a Godhead, as without this the State of l\{ankind could not tnorally fubfift,. or any; poffible Or- . der, SubjeCtion, Pi.ety, and J uftice, be to' fupport · ·hutnal1 Society, but as B radwardt.ne faith, 0 quam ne,ceffieft hunc e.ffe, queJ·n impoJ!ibile eft izon ejfe. . r X. How plain is it, that Men ea nnot - l)ut fee theie Effecrs of his Power ori the' ·· Cnnfcience, in the Certainty of a prophe– tic Light and Difcove,ry, ~s hath heen oft given of futpre Thing~, and iti the un.i. deniable Truth of Miracles, fv as fnch a Prodigy, _ as a profeft A.Fheifi, _can have·– no Claitn to human Race, ,as a rational Beiug, 111ore than ·the greateft Monfler ·inl. ~. · Nature to -be a true Man. C 3 (1L I I. ~ . ' . . . . . . I'