I ' The conjirming Work Qu. II. What doth wit:zefs, the World's not being. E~ert~f!.~, and £t~ jirfl Original and Begznnzng ·front God, to conjir1n our Ftzith herein, /by rational 'Demo'nflratiofz f I . . Anfw.'~. THAT _Eternity is an it;com- ' mun1cable Perfection of the firft Caufe, , · ,. and that \V hieh is made np of corrupti– ble,and 11eriihing,'Things, . as this vifible 1\r~orlcl cannot pofiibly be in itfelf eter– nal-; nor could ever Ifroduce .idelf, fince thus it tnuft both be ancl not be at the fatne Time, whi(;h is th~ great~1 Contradietion. , . J II. THAT if there --be fucb a · Thing now as Titne, there can be no – ,juCJg1ng of Days, Years and Ages to be infinite, .or how ot~e Thing itl a continu– edOrder, fhould thus go before another, ·· w!thout coming to fome firft Begin- , 111ng. _ ~ . . ' Iii. IF there be a. gradual Increafe of human Learning on the Earth, and afur– .. l ther Difcovery of Arts and Sciences; and 1 the greateft Experiments and Inventions .. -. have been but of alate Rife and Date; ' then canthere not pofijbly be an eternal . . , Sua. '~ ' \ ' I / I .I I