Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

' . 38 .' qhe_, -confirming Work fee ho"_V a ptefent Immunity fron1 Judg~ 1nent IS no·R,eleafe, but .when its .· Sen- . te'nce is not fpeedily executed, ret, is it at lafl: furel y ex.ecuted. . . IX. : AN ri how_ evident is i}, th~t the greateft Haters of Godlinefs are yet ' in- . forced to juftify the 'fame, and the Chri– ftian's Choice , her~i.n, ·as the greateft · Wifclotn, upon a~1y .furprizing State and . ·. ~:xtretnity ;_ yea, how fuch . ·would be _ · glad to join lnterefts then with fn£h in · · . their Death, whom they moft contem– ned in their Life. Q\!efl:. V. flow is .it convinqng and de· monjlrable, that Godhathgiven any clear. . and.·exprefs R,e-velation of ·his Will and · Cvuncil'unto Men, ·and that fuch a won- ' flerful Record is undoub~edly extant in 'the - Pl'orld? / Anj-a'. T H A· T~ · I. It is not pofiible to believe tli~ Being ,of Go4, ,and hot alfo the ·Truth · of a1l ·.eftabhfhed Law, .arid -·· .Rule of Commerce ·· bef.wixt him and Man he·re, fo as . t-0.know·both ·what we fuonld ,do, and what we ihould .e'xpeCt and hope from hin1. ·· . _ . ·. · _ .. · · IL T HA1' this alfo. muft be know1' · and dif1)lay its Power ancl~ffiCi\CY to ..the .:·. . ., · ,. ~ _. I w0del' . t '. . . . ~· ' ' -... ..