Fleming - BT60 F54 C66 1743

. 7 2 q,~e eo'!firming Work qrial thereof, in its mofl fupernatural 'I:uths, of fuch rational Certainty and E~ ?Jtdence, that the fPorld can no more deny c;r queflion the fame , than thofe Experi– ments · of Nature, that arc of mofl unz: 11er[al U ft i' . . Anfw. Tho' Men looked oqt at a Di- _ fiance here, or were come-from Heathe– nifm, fo far as to tnake a ierious Trial o~ Chriftiauity, 'tis fi1re, they could not but fee, and be fully peduaded in their Judgment hereof on thefe Grounds. I. That a Difcovery is undoubted and clear in the Scripture of fo great Things, as, that there is a Holy Ghofl, and there be his WorkingsonMens Souls of Peace with God, ·and the Joy of his Prefence, .. which .all who receive the Gof1>el are called to know and prove on their own "' Trial. ___ . ]li ·:That this Witnefs of Chrifl:ian ''. -···· ·": . ·txpe·rience, bath as difcernable a Con· fent and Harmony therewith~ as Face .. • < , > anfwereth toFace .~n the Glafs, and is · ·clear to be no cafual Thing, · but every , Ste]1 in this Wav of Trial, is by Scrip· ture Light, and"' what Chriftians did be... / fore . '