Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

ATable ofthe feuerall Texts. i r °?I+ / Hen yefafi,&c. Mat.6.16. The Proeme to which Sermon is Memento Homo,quia cinises, Remember c xan,t c. pag.r 2 líI+Vt l When Ieftts was enteredintoCapernaum,Ctye. Mat.8.5. pag.2; 3 '' Te haue heardhow it wasfayd to themof old,&e.Mat.5, 27, 39 4 When itgrew late thefhip,&c. Marke.6.47. 61 5 Thenwas Iefus ledajideof the Spirit,cyc. Mat.4.t. 7o 6 When the Sunne of(Manfhallcome,á-e. Mat.25.31. 93 7 When lefttsentredinto Hierufalem,cc. Io4. 8 The Scribes andPharrfees came voto him,faying,&c. Mat. r 2 38. 113 9 lefieswithdrew himfilfe into the Coatis of,&c. Mat. 15.2I. 142 ro Therewas a Fea;l ofthe !ewes, Vic. Ioh. 5.e. 16o r 1 lefas makeveto him Peter, and lames, andIohn,è'c. Math. 17.1. z 8o 12 l goe my way,andye/hallfeekeme,Tohn.8.2 r . 199 r3 The Scribes fate vponMores Chaire,Mat.23.2. 2c9 14 Beholdwe gee vp to Hierufalem,èe. Mar.zo.18 218 15 Therewas a certaine richman, who was clothed, &e. Luk.16,19. 233 16 L.B certaine manplanteda Mat.z e .33. 248 17 A certaine man had two Sonnes, &c.Luk.15.11. 272 18 Andlefts was callingout aDeuill,&e. Luk. r 1.14. 283 19 Phyfttianbealethy f lfe,&c. Luk.4.23. 20 If thyBrother Jball tre!pap againfi thee,drc: Mat.I8.15. 21 Then came vntohimfromHiernfalem,&c. Mar. r 5. r. 22 When he wascome info Symons houfe,&c.Luk. 4.33. 23 And lefus cameintoa citieof Samaria,&c. Iohn. 4.5 24 He went into themount of Olin. es,&c. Iohn.8. r . 25 After thefi things lefies went his way &c. loll!). 6. r. z6 ¡icfímndfittingm theTemple. fillers of fheepe,rc.Iohn.2.14. 2.i 2szpwwhen the Feafi was halfe done,&c. Iohn. 7.14. 28 And as /efspafedby,hefewa man,&,c.Iohn. 9.r. 29 And Plus went into aCitiecalled Naen,&c. Luk.7.1 t . 3° Now a certaine manwas f cke,eamedLazarus,&c.Iohn. e ¡.1. t I am the Light of the Warld, &c. Iohn.8.12. 3z-- Whicb,of youw,llreproottemeofftnne, &c. Ioh.8.46. 33 The chiefePriefisfeet their officers ta,&c.Ioh.7.32. 34 Ana' Terms waikedintoGalile,forhe, &c.[oh.7.1. 35 The I'eáfi ofthe Dedication was celebrated,&c. Iob. I O.2 2. 314 333 351 373 386 412 425 44-7 461 474 487 499 5r6 524 539 549 557 3 6 AcertaineAs; ifeereyuefledlefus,& 569 37 Thengatberet] theHigh Pfiefls and PharifzeraCouncell,&c.Iobn.r1.47. 584 38 The high Prie/Isconfuleed that theymightkill,&c. Iohn.r z. r o. 597 607 615 636 638 39 Peterfate without to the Hall,, +c.Mat. z6.69. 4o There werecruetfledwith him twotheeoes,&c. Mat.z7.38. 41 When Jeffsknew that his houre wascome; &c. John.13. r. 42 1,1ndlefts bearinghis cro,went foortb,&c. Ioh. r9. r 7.