92 TheDeuills im- ej the prifonment. V poll [lt fir+s (}. Prou. t r. TLtle Lout outëra with, Autumneand Harueft of our Soules,whenwe fhould labour moil for Heauen, and prouide for a deere yeare. Your Flie amongft the Ægyptianswas a fym- bole of importuning ; and therefore it is faid by way ofadage , The wic. kedneffe of theFlie. There are fames, which like theCowwe chew the cud up- on, we ruminate vpon them,andour thoughtsareneuer offfrom them. lob did point out vnto vs thefe two kinds of temptations ; theone in the frone, that being rent from the topofan highhill,falls fuddenly down,carrying away before it all that {lands in it'sway, it bceing impoffible to preuent conueniently the dangerthereof; Lapis transferturdelocofuo. The other, in the water, which beeing fo foft as it is, yet by littleand littlehollowes the hardefl floue ; Homines ergofimiliterperdes , totadieimpugnans tri6ulauit me. Onely Importunitie is the fhrewdefrtemptation. Sampfonyeelded vntoDalila, tyred out withherre-itera- ted importunings : Andthere are athoufand Sampfns in thefe dayes,which doe not yeeld themfelues fo much to finneby the batterie of temptation,asby im- portunate treaties. Si cadens adoratterísme- Iffallingdamn thouworfhip me. This was a ftrange kindofimpudencie in the Deuill : but heno fooner faw his maske taken away, and that our Sauiour had difcouered him andhis trickes, but he hid his head for fhame. Vade retro, Sathana. Cot behindme,Sathan. Saint Hieromefaith, That with thisverie word,ourSa- uiour Chrift tumbled him headlong downe to the bottomleffe pit ofHell; whereinto he entred howling,andmaking fuch ahideous noyfe and lamentable out-crie, that hee frrooke agreat feare into all thofe infernali Spirits ; The firong one warbound, and troddeninpieceswith thefoot ofthe Lord. Bella hath almoft the verie fame words.This imprifonment ofhis was enlarged afterwards by Chrifts death : according to that of theApocalyps, He boundhimfora thoufaxdyeares. Ina word,He was fo afhamed,and foout of countenance with this anfwer ofour Sa- uiours, that for many days he didnot fo muchas once offer topeepe out of Hel. WherePride is,therewillbeeReproch, fo faithSalomon. Thatplace of Deutronomie, whence our Sauior tooke this authoritie,doth not fiy, Adorabis,Thoufhalt adore, butTimebis,ThouGnatsfeare; as if the truefi waytoworfhipGod , were to feare him. The Scripture attributes two names vntoChrift ; the one ofSpoufe ; the other of Lord : in the one he firwes hisloue in the other the feare which is duevntohim : in the one,the fecuritie wherewithweemay come unto him,and offer him our Petitions ; in theother, the refpeEtand reuerence which we owe to fogreata Maieflie.Theyarethings that are fo cimen- tedand ioynted together, that heaffeétionatly loues, whohumbly fears.ButI feare I hauebn too long,andtherefore I will here makean end. THE