Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

Serin. 6. ON. 4M gRMNRNRNCWNZOONIS aEVCeaL-COOL THE SIXTH SERMON, VP- 0 . YHE Q.7I1F.:7\ V Jr AFTER THE FIRST SVNDAY IT, LENT'. MAT. 25. Cumvenerit Filma Hominis. When the Sonneof Man íhall come. Haue treated of this Theame at large, in flue feueral Chap- ters vpon the Parables: But the Sea is neuer emptied by thofe waters which theRiuers take from it ; nor thofe diuine Myfleries leffcneel by thofe many Bookes that are written + thereof ; efpecially by aSea ofjudgemcnt,whrre your (hal- low witsare vfually drowned. Concerning this Article, which is fo notorious, there is notaProphet, anEuangclift,aSybil,norrnyof theholyFathers,which do not make confeflionthereof; yea, the verle Angells Paid vnto the Difciples, This Ie- fue who rv.ïs takenfromyort,flial&So come; where this particle [Sic]So, dothnot fo much exprimeremodem, asfmilitudinem, not the true manner of his comming, but after what likeieffe hefoall come. Now dothhe fit at the right hand ofhis Father, and fl all po.TefTe that Throne till that he (hall come to iudgc the world, andmake his enemieshis footftoole . According to that ofDauid,Sit at my right hand(mill Imake thy enemies thyfootflaole ; a fentencewhichwas repeated after- wards byS.Paul,to theHebrews.Not that the fitting atthe right hand ofhis fa- therThal euer haue anyend, (foras Saint Chry(Home and Gregorie Nazianzenbath noted ir, theword yntilldothnot point at any lettime) but the mutation of the placewhich our Sauiour Chrift is tomake for that termeoftime that the Iudge- ment (hall lift, himfelfe comming thither inperfon to let all things inorder; v/-' que indiem refliiutionis omnium,fo faith Saint Luke : And byreafon ofthe notori- oufneffe thereof, theEuangelift dothnot fay, that hee (hall come,but fuppofeth (as it were) his prefentcomming,with a Camvenerit,&c. The SomeofMan. Iudiciarie powcr,or thisPotefias judiciaria (as the Schoole- men call it) is properto all the Trinitie, but is here attributedto the Sonne, as Wifedome 93 Thecöm¡ng ofChriR to Iudgement.