Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

The great maieáìeofChrillat the firft Sunday inLent. Serm.6. hiscom+ming to judgment. not denie vnto Godhis entrance into the houleoftheir Soules; but the Spoufe doth theredifcouer the reliftance which the Soule makes in the behalfe of the Sences, at that time whenasGodcalls her vnto him. Butin the day ofIudge= ment the Soule !hall beno moremis-ledby the Sencesi but fhall perfeElly be- come fubicét to the will ofGod ; fo that the Sonne of God fhall appeare then in greater powerandMaieftie than euer beedid before. But forto treat of the Maieftie of the Father the greateft and deepeft thoughtsofMan is but as a Thimble theyarenot able to conceiue , much lefle to containe the leaft part thereof. Danielfaith,feekingto exprefTh the greatneffe ofhis glorie , and the mighrineffeofhis power, Ofillemilliamini. 1rabantei; decies tentenamaw); aßiflebant ei ; ThePages thatattend his perfonmutt bee numbred by thoufands, and the Courtiers that aflìft in his prefence , by ten thoufands of thoufands : Arithmetickewants figures tofet dowsethere numberleffe numbers. Efaj law him in aThroneof Maieftie andof glorie, Plenaerat domur Maie/latetius; but his feet and his head coueredwith the wings ofSeraphins : Giuing vs thereby to vnderftand,That thefeourcorporall eyesmay haue aglimpfeof theMaieftie ofhis Throne,but notof his perfon. Laftly , That Maieftie ofhis Court which confifts of fo manyAngelicall Hierarchies,What tongue ! what tonguecanpaint out that vnto thee, which is beyond the proportionof thought r One Angell alone hath firucke with the feare ofdeath the valianteft & the holieft menthat euer were; what wouldthey thendoewhen theyare a joynt and vnited Bodie! Saint Chryfaffome faith, That greater isthe powerof one Angell, thanofallthemen in the world, ifall their forceand ítrength were molten together,and molded into one entiremafhe. At Chrifis birth, certaine Squadrons of Angellscame roundabout him faluting him withthat heauenlySongof,Gloria in excelfss : but now they fhallcome trou- pingall together and forne fhall more particularly bewaile with great bitter- neffe, tholemiferies that (hall befallthe World , and thofe that hued therein; accordingto that of Efay,The Lifngels of Peacefhalltreepebitterly. The Euangelift doth not here in this placevndetftand the euillAngels,though they(hall come likewife vpon this Theatre , as well tobec iudged themfelues, C2,efciars quia Angelesjudicabimtes] as to ferue as Atturneys form openthe Sin- ners crimes and offences, and as Hangmen, toexecute the Iudges Sentence. In this life God oftentimes makes the good Angelsto beetheExecutionersof his wrath,as in Sodome, and inthe firft borneof/Egypt, inoverthrowing the Cha- riots ofPharaoh, inZenacharib, Heliodortrs, and Herod; buthis ordinarie kind of puni(hment is by euill Angelis, Immifliones per Angelesmales ; bywhich hee vn- derftandeth thofe fearefullPlaguesofÆgÿpt, as Flies, Frogges, Grafhoppers, Wafpes, Hornets,thicke Clouds, Darkeneffe that might bee felt, theirFlockes andHeardsof Cattellkilled withHaile ftones, Vifions,idle Dreames,aud Phan- tafies,and the like, [Sadfnapes appearedvnto them,andL7tlonffers didalright them;] whereby they that weretitling looktas if they hadbeene dead,Anima deficiebant arsduliene Thefedid the Deuill carrieaway bound handandfoot, tobee caft into vtterdarkenefle : And when God fhall let thefe Catchpoles to arreft the Wicked, What willbecame ofthem e What willtheydoe With thisMaieftie and greatneflefhall that fuprearneIudgecome , Ppon the Seatof his Maiefiie ; whitherit be aThrone of Clouds, according to that of Ec- clefiaflrcus,Thromescits incolumisa *Air; andthatofExodus, Penton in caligine Wlebis ; or whitherit be a ThroneofChertírbitis, according to that ofDavid, duifedesfuper Cherubim ; orwhither oftheEift,(asorigenwouldhaue it; Are I I am, 97 Or 33. Etcte. 34. Exed. I S. PA( .7o. Pfat.s&.