Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

All fhall ap- peare in iudáement. 2eor.5.10. Eveh. S. All fhall be difcouered at the j,7pon the Monda after generali iudgdgement. r Y am , that hee fhall come with that graue andaufere countenance,andwith that awfull and fearefull looke, that Malachy mightverie well fay, Whopallendure to lookevfon him ? Congregabuntur ante eum omnes Gentes. Allrationsfhall begatheredbefore him. his as true, as it is fearefull , That all men fhall meet together in one, allthat did enioy the light of this world ; for fomany Kindreds,nay,thoufands of Ages, whithertheyperifhed in theelement ofFire, and fo turned to afhes; or whither theywere deuoured by the Fowles of theaire, or the Beaflsof the field ; or whithertheybecame the foodoffifhes in theSea ; orwhither that their bodies remaine in theirgraues; orwhither like rubbi(h they lieburiedvnder ruinous buildings ; or howfoeuer they haue gaf- fed throughdiuersand fundrie tranfmutations ; yet notwithflanding in the end alllist!I come and prefent themfelues vpon this publique Stage; all thofe Nati- ons that are fo differing intheir manners andbehauiour, in their Idiomes & their Languages, in their Rights and Ceremonies,in their Laws and their Cuflomes, whitherremaining in themaine Continent, or in the Iflands enuironed with the Sea : Andwhat wonder canbe greater, or what fight fo ftrange,as to fee all the men in theworld toappearebody and foule , before hisdiuine Maiefie , atthe voyceofanAngell, when he fhall trumpet forth this thorn fummonsvnto them, Surgite mortui,&c. But two other wondersmore fearefull than this (I feare me) will be feene : The one,Thatall mens hearts fhall be opened,& euerieman both inwardly andoutwardly (hall appeare foplain and fo cleere to our fight, that there (hallnotbe any thought,thoughneuer foclofelyhid,nor any fault;though neuerfo deepelyburied, that (hall not bee made open and manifefl : According to that of Saint Paul to the Corinthians, omnes manifeflari oportet ante Tribunal Chrifli, Wemuffall beemanifefled before the Iudgement Seat ofChrifl. Whereupon Saint Theodoret weighing the word Manifeflari, which in theoriginall is the fame withPerlucidos e, Tranfparent, and cleere as Chryftall;wherein thofe blacke fpots and foule Raines thatare inour Soules , will appeare the more vgly and loathfome , ô ! How f range a fpeEtaclewill this be r How foieand ungular in the world r ô ! what agreatfeare will itfrike into vs , notonely in regard of the innumerable number offuch variousandvncouth things, things heretofore ueuer prefumed, or oncethought vpon ; but alfoin refpeEl of the heart ofman, which beingfo infcrutable a thing, and for fo many yearesof mans life,pafl fear- chingout, andnot tobee. difcoueredand fet forth init's true life and colours-; that this heart, Ifay, ofMan fha!! in aninftantbee laid fo open, thatall maskes Mall be vnpin'd, all difguifestakenoff , whofehollowneffe and hypocrifie (hall now appearetoGodand the World. Immaginethat Godfhould (hewthis mi- racle in openCourt , and that thehearts ofall fhould lieopen to theeyes ofall, (as hedid difcouer toEzechiel euerie formeofcreeping things, and abhomina- bleBeafls, and all the Idolls of theHoufe of Ifraell portrayed vponthe wall of the Temple) HOWafhamedwill the veriebelt ofGods childrenbee of their at}ions, but much more thewicked,to fee their finnes laid opentoothers view, andtheir owne confufion r Nor flail thofe our finnesbee confpicuous onely ro others, buteuerie offendor (ball feeand plainely perceiue his owne particular finnes : For there is noman that fully knowes his owne finnes whileheehues here in this world. And fodoth Saint Bafïl interpretthat placeof the Pfalmift, . rgaam te, & flatuamcontra tefaciem team ; Euerie man (hallthenbehold F sm- felfeas in aglaí i. Inaword, This day will be thefarmingvpofall thofe our former