Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

Thedayo£iudgement fearedef the firft Sunday inLent. Sert.6. the wicked, defiredof the juR. former dayes, wherein, as ina.bcadroll , wee fhall read all the loofeanions of ourlife, all our idle words,all our euill worker, all our lewd thoughts;òr what- foeuerelfe of ill that our hearts haue conceiued or our hands wrought. So doth agraue Author expound that place of Dauid, Dies f rmabuntur,b new in cis, In that dayfball ofdayes 6efarmedandperfec#ed, for then f fall theybee cleerely knowne. Et nano in cis ; This is a Mort and cuttedkindoffpeech, (idee) There !hall not bee ,úy thing inallthe wouldwhich fhall not bee knowne in that day. Theother wonder fhall be, Thatall this bufineffefit!' bee difpatchtina mo- ment ; In Wu oculi,faith Saint Paul,In the twinckling ofan eye: The Greeke Text in Readofamoment,renders it Atomo, which is the leaft thing in nature : Con- cluding this point with that faying ofTheophi/atl , Hac ef# res omniurri mirabil i- ma,Thteis thegreatefl wonder ofall. StatuetOuesà'dextrís Bias, &Medoc àftnifirìc. He Pallplace theSheepe at barrighthand,andtheGoats at the loft. DayIy experi- ence teacheth vs, Thatwhat is good for one, is naught for another;that which helpeth theLiner, hurteththe Spleene ; oneand the felfe famePurge recouers one,and cafts downe another ; the Light refrefheth thefound Eye,andofendeth the fore ;Widome faith , Thatthofe Rodswhich wroughtamendment in the Children of Ifraell hardned the hearts of the Ægyptians 3 the oneprocured life, theother, death ; darkens tothe onewas light, & light to the other, dark- nelle. When tofhaabpurfued theAmmorites, God poured downeHaileftones, Lightning,andThunder ; to Godsenemies theywere fomany Arrowesto kill them ; tohis friends,fo manyTorches to light themti-In the lightof thy Arrowes, faith Abacuc. Death to theWicked isbitter, to theGood, fweete; Iudgement to the Goats is fad&heauie, but to the Sheep, glad & ioyfull ; tothe oneabe- ginningof theirtorment, to theother, of their glorie. And therefore itisherc laid,Hefhallplace the Sheepe athis right hand. From thisbeginning, arifeththe luft's earneft defiring ofthis our Sauiours comming,andtheWicked's feeking to fhun it.Which is madegood bySaint Au- fien,vponthat place ofHaggie,Hee(hallcomi,being wijhedforofall Nations : And his reafon is, becaufeour. SauiourChrift being defired, it is fit that he fhould be knowne ; andfor want ofthisknowledge, itfeemeth vetohim, that this place dothnot fomuch fuit withhis firft,as his latter comming. Saint Paul writing to his Difciple timothie,fayes,That theluft doelong forthis judgement; His qui eiliguneadaentum due ; Agreeingwiththat of Saint Paul to the Romans, That the luftpaffe ouerthis lifein fighs & tribulations,expening thatlatter day,when their bodiesfhall bee freefrom corruption,and from.death. Saint John introdu- cethinhis vipocalypsthe foules ofthe Iuft,cryingout,VfquequoDominejntws, verax ? 2Kenjudreas,& windcufanguinem nofirum,dehis pi habitant in terra? How long, Lord, holy and true,&c. Saint Aujlenand Saint t imbro f both fay,That cram theydoe not here vengeance on their enemies, but that byhis comming to judgement,the KingdomeofSinne may haue an end.Which is thefamewith that whichwedayly beg in thofewords ofourPaternof1er,Tby Kingdomecome. AndSaint lohnin his lait Chapter faith, TheSpiritandtheSpoufe, faycome Come Lord,come quickely,makeno long tarrying. That the Sinner fhouldhatethishis comming, is fo notoriousatruth , that manywhen things goecroffewith them, would violently lay hands oA thenr- felu s,andrid themfelues out of this iniferableworld, ifit were not finfeareof this Iudgement. And thiswas thereafonwhySaint Paul inPaying, it is decreed, I a that 99 Abat.;. x. Tim. 4. hem. x. ,het. 6.