Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

IOZ L:unifhmentin the latterday; On the Mondayafter , proportioned ro ourSins. Y They(hallfee whom they haue crucified. And in theApocalips Yidebit eum omnis oculus, Euery eye(hallfie him ; But efpecially they ,Qui eumpupugerunt, That guard him. Owhat acruel! taking mud theybee in , whoareguilty to them- felues in that day,how cruelly theyvfed the Sauiourofthe World r The fecond fort, are thofecaft-awayes, that haue trade acouenant withHell, whileft they huedhere on Earth : Of whomEfy fayrh , Percufsimusfadescum E/aY. 1S. morte, 6. cum infernofecimuspacîum , (i.) Thole defperate theeues that haue made a league with the Gallows. Andthofe vnworthie Communicants, ofwhome Saint Paul, That they Bare and drinke theirownecondemnation ; Iudiciumjibi mandu- cat &bibit. Of thefe,the fayd Efay asketh, Whichofyoucandwell with the detou- ring Fire? Rut quishabitabit cum ardoribus fempiternis e Are ye of that metral1, that yee can fuffer eternal! fire, who are not able to indure temporali heate Let themolt defperat among( you , he that imagines he is able to indureany torment, put but his finger awhile into the flame but of a candle, and hee will foone tell mee another tale. The third fort,are thofe that profeffe a perpetuall and euerlafting hatred to Vertueand Goodnefe, follow tyranny withdelight, and takeapleafure in fin- ning,thinkingthere is no life to that which is vicious: According to that ofE f y, Hee that departethfrom euill,makethhimfclfeosprey ; It is death tothem, todoe o- therwife. And as Hofea hath it Sanguin, f nguinern tetigit, Again( thefe, God (hall come armedwith a corfletof Iufice, and with robesof Vengeance , and witha cloakeof Zeale,and likea fwift torrent,he fhall fweepeaway thefe reeds andbuhvfhes, &c. Thefourth fort,are thofe who deny Godeyes to fee the infinite fumme and made ofthofe things that paffeamongft men. Firf,becaufe in themfelues they are materiali ; and God is a pure Spirit and incorporeal!, and therefore they dreame hee hathno eyes tofee ouraétions. Secondly,becaufe humaneaEtions are oftentimes fo nadie and fo loathfome,that Godwillnot vouchfafe to froope Pfai s3 fo low,as to looke upon them. Etdixerant,non videbit Dominusnecintelligit Deus Jacob. Again( thefe men,faythDauid, Intelligite infipientes inFlute. The Hebrew files them,Befliales : Heare ôyee brutebeau's, harken ôyoubeafts, andbe wife. Et fluiti aliquandofapite, oyeefooles when willyee vnder.iland? dui plantauit au- rem,nonaudiet ? au: qui fnxit ocuium, non confderat ? God gaue man Bares, eyes,vnderftanding,and reafon, and (hallall thefefacultiesbe wanting to him All the perfeaion of thefe effe5cs aremod eminent in theprimarycaufe. And therfore,ifGod gaueman his hearing,his fight,& his vnderflanding,much more mua bee inioy them,whowas theAuthor andonelyginerof them. ,ulcorri- pit gentes,non argue: ? ,.9.!:i docet hominemfcientiam,(i.) He thatcarrelleth theNati- onsfhallhe not reprooue ? e that teachethmanknowledge,&c. The fiftfort, are thofe, who acknowledgingin God hisProuidence, and his Iufice ; yet will not bee perfuaded, that it canbe fo feuerein that day. So faith the Pfalmif ; Secundummultitudinem irefu e non queret : Andthe caufe is pre- fently rendred, Diuifi fan: ab ira,vultuscius. Sophonia,painting outcertainmen unto vs drowned intheir vices,faith, Defixos infacibuscites, Theyy are drowned in the dregges oftheir fsnnes . And by and by giueth a reafon for it; Dicunt enimin cordibusfuis,non facietDominus bene,nonfaciet Dominusmalt. On the one fide, they make this reckoningwith therfelues That God is good, liberal!, merciful!, and thathee willnot doevs much harme : andthaton theother fide, ashe is jua,hecwill notdoevs muchgood. Inthis fsnneliuethey,whohearing from theProphets and thePreachersofGodsWordy the horrorsand terrors of that