! Hypocritcsgreatfauou. the fir{. T1IyLellt. rerso6Mirades. l r Sérnz:8. 1 thefe that were ready to die through Whichwas meantofour Sauij oùr, asEpiphanitas hath it in 'his expofrtiohvon thatplace of Efay, :Proeo gtrod,, :abiecitpopuluaafe aquas Silae, qua curruntcum ftlentio, Becaufe thispeople hatte refúfed the watersofS'biloh, that runnèfofìly ; nom therefore,&c. Hewas that trecof Life, wholevenie leafès did affordhealth to all thofe that were vnder the fbaddow thereof. And peraduenturetheft Pharifees did require fignes fromHeauen,be -.. caufeby that benefit which the people did receiucby his miracleshereon earth, 1 he carried all thewo.ldafter him. . We wouldhaueafignefrons hearten. What, after fo many miracles ? Thefe Phar rifees are the trampeand figure ofcertaine Confciences, whichhaue acoutinual confliEt within themfèlues; or, tofpeakcmore properly, theyarea Chancerie confifting of Iudges, guiltie perfons, and Pleaders, inuíeem fi accufantium , b defendentium, (as Saint Paul telsvs)i 4ccufing.and excufingone another : Reaion is the Iudge, Selfe-will isthe guiltie perfon,and the Plcadçr is that Wormewhich accufeth and gnaweth their conscience. And when theguiltie perfonMeth that the pleadcraccufèth him, and that the Judgecondemneshim, though miracles. doe ahound,yet lace appealeth to forne. other miracle ; like veto a baddebtour, whowhenhis time ofpayment is come, craues a longer day. One findeshim felfc at Death's doom., and fees that heis like todie, and that inalllikelihoodhe is togoe to Hell, for that his ill gotten wealthcondemnes him ; heeweeps,cries out, makesgricuous lamentation,purpofeth, promifeth, and refolueth toamend his life, and tomake reftitútion : Godheares him, giues him life andhealth;and when hefees that he is found &well;and that hisPleader preffeth himto make reftitution, he appeales toanother iniracle..'Anotherfindes, that he hater flipt a thoufand times,vpon this drthat cccafion he knowes'his owneweakeneffe,and that he cannot lcoke, but hemufr loft ; andptirpofrng without any ill intention in the world , toentertainhonett conuerfation withthis andthat woman, re- turnes tooday liketheSwine, againeto-hismire ; and too morrowappeales ro another.miracle. Saint vluflen reportsinhisConfeßrons, That hee. hada great conflict withinhiinfelfe ; his Will hadapurpofetoleaue thefe humandelights and pafrimcs ; andwhen the day-ofhis purpofe and promife was come, this Pleaderputshim in mindof ir, but heappeales to anotherday. This then was agreat part ofthis peoples fault, that theydid complainer That God did not dealcfo kindlywith them as he waswoont,Webane 'salientoarfign s, herèinow noProphet. 'The greateftof all the Prophetsxhateuerwere; or flailbee, came amongfrthem; ánddid motemiracles than allof them.put together ;land when they_fhouldhaueconfeft themfelues to hauebeeneconuìfedwith fo many mi- racles, they appeale toanother miracle. The Pharifee which inuited our Saui- our tooke hin3xfobe noPropher;becauféhe didnot dineintothe depthOfthat loathfomeandlnnefull breft of Marie c. agdalen : If.(thought hé) hee were a Prophet, bee-couldnotchufe but knowwhat:kindofwoman thiswas. But fin- ding'aftei yards;chat he knewMrgdalens heárt,and.thathis own didnot beleeue he was a Prophet;he appealédtoanother miracle. 'Wearoxtd f e.tfagne,&c. T4what.end feruemiracles fromHeauen,ifthou haft not eyes tobehold thofe that aredone on earth ? It werebetter for thee,tocraue e'6 c>f Gbd, than.mjracles . Agarbeing:readie todie.fór thirftin the Deferr, fit hadwater igftbeforeher.g..butthewasfablindedxvithpaffion, and her-Ito- n14 did fafivell'againfiherrrriftreffe, that 'thee did not fee it And(odopened her616. Saint :Cbs+yfiemecompareththe:Phatifeestoa fandieground, which though iefuckerprieuer fo-muchwater, yet it ít 1lremainshardanddrie. And L albeit I21 Rpm 3