126 indination On the vVednefdayafter Plat 3 }. 3. .king] a Era), 2. water And he that cangiueyouwater out of a fonene is able toaffoord you bread out of theAire : But Enuiewill drawBraunefrom the fineft Fleure. In a word, Theywere fully refoluednot to beleeue in Chrift,and yet theywent fee - king occafions to excufe their hardneffeof heart. They fought fignes from hea- uen, which (as Saint Hierome harh well obferued) were more fubieét to calum- nie, and eafiertobe cauelledat; andyet on the other fide they did feeke to di- minifh his power,and therefore they fay, We mould hauefrom thee,&c. Of all that hath beenc formerlyfaid, I {hall inferre this conclufion, and refer it toyour Chriftian confideratlon; which is, That youwould feekeafter God with fimplicitieand fingleneffeofheart ; Infimplicitatecerdisgt eriteilium,(faith wifidame ) and then fhaltthoualwaies find him propitious and fàuourablevnto thee. Etfacies veflr e non confundentur ; buta falfe heart (hall euermore remain confounded and afhamed. Berfheba comming to crauca fauour ofher fonne Sa- lomon, fhe fought topreuent him,with a S(enconfundasfaciem meam,Put me not to the blufh. In the Scribes andPharifees God fpeakes vnto thofe finnefull Chri- ftians who immirate them in their workes ; and as the thunders and lightnings of agreat Tempeft, fmitingandwounding the tops ofMountaines,of Pallaces, and of the talleft Cedars ; Cbryfologuc faith,That theyabate andconed thecou- rages of the moft defperate and prophaneftperfuns : fo,when our SauiorChrift did thunder outthefe his threatnings againft the Pharifees, he fought thereby to reclaime his owne Flocke,tobring them within the Fold, and to faue thofe Sheepe whichare readie torun aftray,that theymay not be vtterly loft. Generatio mala d adulterafignumqurit. if trickedandadulteroresgeneration feekethafagne. Chrift neuer (hewed him- felfe more fierceand angr:e,thannow; neuer behaued himfelfe more ftoutly, or (hewedmore courage, thanat this prefent. Prefenting therebyvntovs, that vpon iuft occafions, the mildeneffe ofaPrince, and the meekeneffeofa Prelate, may lawfully let the bed of his Patience(like that of the Riuer ) rifeand fwell, cuen to the ouerflowingof thebankes. He that knowes not fometimes how to reprehend ,and that {harpelytoo, (ball not onely neglefthis owne dutie, but (hall wrong others in fuffering them torunon intheir wickedneffewithout reproofe. That father knowes ill how to gouerne, who, when his children flail commit any groffe faults,fhall,likeold Ely ,thewhimfelfe toomilde, andout ofa fao- lifh pittie,fcarcecontroll them for it. That Preacher,knowes not what belongs tohis calling, who when finnegrowes oncetoan heigth, and menwaxe fhame- leffe incommitting euill,that doth not raife his handsandvoice as high as Ilea- uen,and lay Godsfearfull judgements before them. That Prince, whofuffers his fubieâs tobee ouerbold and fawciewithhim, giues them a tacitekindof liberrie, to loofeall rcfpe& andfeare towards him . fuiefciteab homine, ciders Spiritter,innarrbue eft, Ceafiyoufrom the man wholebreath is inbis neflhrils, for tuber- inu hee tobeeßeemed ? This is as itwere the Epiphonemaofall that Chapter of E y ; Where,hauing Prophecied manygreatneflès oftheMeffias,heeaduifeth the Iewes,That they deceiuenotthemfelues with the frailtieofhis perfon ; for, though hee (hall come in the formeofa feruant, yet he (hall bee the true God. And therefore hee concludesthat Chapter withthis faying : ,,Quiefite ergo 4 homine, cuirts Spiritusinnaribua eft. Confider therefore (deerely beloued) that I admonifhyou, and require you, that whenthefe prophefies(hall bee fulfilled, andgoeon intheir accomplifhment, you takeheed howyoubee offendedwith that man, whofelifeconfifteth in the breathofhisnofthrills ; it beeing inthat refpeét