Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

To Sinners,all things workt togetherforthe woca. the firft Sunday inLent. Serm.8, t Theefewith thee, thouwilt call him to a reckoning euenfor his Curry-combe and his Apron, andafterwards turne him out ofdoorés : But of agoodSeruant, and one that hath Beenefaithfull vnto thee, thou wilt takenoaccountatall , his honeftie (hall excufehim. Oyee fadeHypocrites ; yee Scribes andPharifees, Why would yeecall vengeance vpon your feines, by Paying , Let all theblood of the Righteouscome vponvs; This will makeyeepay at Taft, thatwhich perhapsye did not thinkeyee did owe. To aSinner,omnia cooperantur inmaim, All things turne to the worli ; Andtherefore all creatures fhall rifevp againft thefe wicked and ftiffe necked Iewes. TheHeartens /ball hecallfrom ahoue, andtheearth, to judge bidPeople. The Scripture it felfe (halfbring ineuidenceagainft thein,fortheir in- gratitude. The oxeknoweth his owner; Tohimthat (hall not acknowledge Chrift and his Church, the Affefhall bearewitneffe againft him : [Et Ninasprfepedo- minjfui. ] Tohim that fhall defpife the infpirations of Heauen , theKyte (hall accufehim; Cognouit miluna temptedfuum. Tohim that (hall be careleffe ofhis eternall good, he (hall be tit in the teeth withthe Ant,Vadepiger adformicam.To him that is difobedient the Hiftorieof Ions fhall be alledgedagainft him : but as theWhale fwallowed lonas, but fent him forth againwithout any harm done vntohint; fo our Sauiour Chrift was fwallowed vpby the Earth, but, not tohis hurt : and bothit and all the Elements acknowledgedhim to be their Lord and Mafter ; which was morethanthe Pharifees would doe. ToSaint Chryfoffome, this threatning feemeth tobean eáeét ofmercie. Yoe, bypropofngvino them the exampleof Niniuie,he defies todrawthem to re- pentance. It was anotherkindof threatning that Godvfed towards hispeople, forworfhipping thegolden Calfe ; Let megoe, that 1mayde/lráy thens,and blot out theirname. Theodoret is ofopinion, That this was Gods great mercie towards them : Forby that threatning, helet before (Atop the wickedneffe of the peo-' pie ; anddid therebyaduifehim, that he fhould make interceffionfor them,that he might notpunifh them in his wrath; Afterthat genérall deluge and inundati- onofwaterswhich drownedthe wholeworld , Goddid let a bow inheauen, andit may be he might haue Tookeit in his hand; for to threaten theEarth ; But Saint t lmbrofe bath noted , Thatto the end that the Worldfhould take it asa tokenof Godsmercie towards them, hemade the points or ends of it totouch the earth, that theWorldmight thereby be affured, That Gods Iuftice would not fhoot any more Arrowes downe from heauen. Tertullian treatingvpon that placeofthe Apocalips,Repent,orelf I wilcome againfl theefl,ortly,andrvilremeoxe thy Candlefiicke out ofhisplace, except thouamend; he faith, That fo great is the good= neffe of God, thatthough heemight with a greatdeale of reafon denie vs his mercie,hedoth not onlynotdeny it.vs,but he threatneth vs,andalfo'inrreateth forvs, tothe endthat we mayaccept ofthis his mercie : for nofathercanbeim- maginedtobehalfe fo pittifullas he is Saint LAuffencrieth out, OLord,what am I, that thou fhouldit command me to loue thee r Whatam I,that thou fhoul= deft be offended withme r Ahd, Whydóoft thou threatenme with greatmife- ries, ifI doe not loue thee r I ammuch bound vnto thee for theone; but more for theother c in louing thee, I fee how much I get by it; in threatning mee, I fee howmuch reckoning thoumakeft Ofme: S.Epbrm difcourfingofthofe of Íimìuie a "taitb,,`That Godhad mercieof them, andthar'he foigaue them their finnes, Etmendaxpotius haberigaamcrudelir tulit,Hi wouldratherhe a lyar,than accounted meno f?(niuje /hallrife vpinjudgement . Some Diuines grant, That the iniuitesiñthat general' judgement fha lteIudgesoudrmany that fhall becon- demned Gen. y. Ape. 2. How the Ni niuites !NIL rife vp in judgement ainßvs.