Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

The officeofa Preacher is, to tell thepeople their Sins. the firíf Sondayin Lent. Serm.8. Guiaafcendit malitia eitiscoramme. For the malice thereof is comevpbefore me. Thatwhich thou arttopreach vn- to them, is, That their finnes haue mightilymooued thypatience. This is the office of a. Prophet. ToEfay God faid, Declarevntomy People theiriniguities.To leremie, Behold, Ihaueput my words into thymouth, that thou maiflplacke vp, deflroy, be. ToEzechiel, They whom fendthee to, arefife necked, and hardhearted. Ina word, Goddidnotifie this Obligation to all the Prophets; whereby all they are condemned, whoplace their end altogether in curiofrties : Thisis to go a- bout to feekeout for thofethat arethirftie,pretious waters,&wines cooled with fnow,and put into copperflaggons; Coldwaterfir a thirflie Soule(as Solomonfaith.) This is, to quench a tirethat confumes a whole Citie, with bottles ofRofewa- ter; it is a going aboutto open thedoore of our breads with a Key ofGold, whenoneofYron (accordingto that of Saint "Julien) is more neceflarie : It isas ifaSouldier fhould goe forth to warrewith hishead curioufly combed andcur- led, withhis lerken perfumed, and other effoeminate gallantries. Like vnto thefe isthat Prophet or Preacher, who with glorious words, flaunting phrafes, idle curiofities,and fmooth-filed eloquences, (hallgoe to fight the Lords qua- rell,againftthe worlds finfull Monfteis. That thofe of Niniuie weregreat and mightie frnners, it is prooued out of thisword ciltalitia,which doth embrace all kindof (inns ; and muchmore in- forcedby that word Afcendit ; for in the Scripture it is fä11 taken for agreat ex- cefle. Decadaueribusafcenditfetor, Theflinkefhallcomevpoutoftheirbodies, Efay faith it. Superbia tua(faith the bookeofKings) afcenditin aares meas,Comevp into my cares. And here he mentionethall kind ofwickednefie and abhomination; and this wordCoram me,Beforeme,confirinethas much : For when a frnne doth encreafe to thatheigth, thatit ouertops the heauens , and that itconies to the fight ofGod,it is then fo intollerable,that it-is not to beendured. Surrexit lamas, rvtfugeret. Tongs rof vp, that hemightflieaway . Rabbi Rinchi (anHebrewDoáor) faith, ThatFugeredoth here inferre , anacceleration, or makingof haft; intimating, that lonas made haft ingoingto the Hauenat Tharfrs,to takehis journie towards Niniuie : as alto, that the Prophet towhom God fpeaketh is fo great with child, as it were, and fo full of that which God commaunds him , thatifhee fhouldwithhold the reuelationwhichGodbathputinto him, heewouldburft with keepingit in. That may befaidofhim;which lob fpeakethof himfelfe,My bellié is like the wine which worketh andbath novent ; and like the newbot- tles that burfl;Therefore will Ifpeake,that I may take breath,&c. Oft complai neth, and did forrow exceedingly, that he had held hispeace ; Woe if me,that ha- uingfeene the KingandLordofHof,l Jbould holdmypeace, becaufe I was amenof "Waited lips: Jonas rofe ápp that hemightflie . More plaineis that opinionof Saint Hierome, Názianzen,Theodaret,TheophilatI,andMethodius theMartyr, That lamaswas not fo haflíe as herebefore wehaue made hiIB -; but thathe pretended nothingleffe, but foughtbyall meanes poffible, howhe m; this journey,andclofely conueishis bodie(asit were) from this commandofGod,by fhaping his courfe anotherway. Whither it wereof diflike,that Godfhould pafle ouerhis favors tö the Gentiles and that his owne Counttïe-ifhould remaine difgraced and rui- ned; andalbeithe happely knewthis Was.tocotrie topafle hereafter : yethee M would 133 Efay r. Hier. s. Prole. 2$. E¡ay a4 s.1pngr s 9. Reaiona roguing Innas to flic.