Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

1+0 TheRepentanceof the Niniuites. Math. I t. 3. Kings t o. x. Chian. 9. Vpon the VVednefday after fhàdowouer his head, anddeliuer him from his griefe. Other Authors, giue it other names. But the ftrangeneffeof irwas, that it grew vpallin.aday . The Prophet wasexceeding gladtofee himfelfe fo wel fheltredby this Gourd,from theheat of theSunne, which did fhrewdly fcortch him ; Laborauerat enim ft vexedhimeeriefore : So that before it went verie ill with him ; and his ioy was fo much themore encreafed, for thathe fawGodhad fucha care to cherifhand makemuchofhim ; Sure(thought he) hemakes nofinali accòuntofnie that vfeth me thuskindly.But God thornyafter preparedaworme,which fmote the Gourdthat itwithered ; Etpercufrt Solfuper caput ione,&afluabat, TheSwine beat vpon the headof lonas, andhefainted. Who could haue the patience to endure this ? Was it the Sun,orwas it fire, that fhould thus prouokehim tocryout,Me- lius eft mihi mori,quamviuere, it is betterfor me to die than tohue. But God repre- hended longs for this defperate fpeechofhis ; Putas ne bene irafceria Iona r Hom now lonas, What's the matterwith thee ? Doofl thouwellto bee angriefor the Gourd? Dooft thou find thy felfe grieued, thatI haue madethis Gourd to wither,which came vpin anight,andperifhed in anight ; andwilt thou not fullerme tobe fen= cibleofthe deftration ofthis fogreat aCitie,wherein thereare fixefcore thou fand perfons which cannot difcernebetwixt the righthand and the left ? Doth it touch thee, that thou art not efteemedinthine owne Countrie And wilt thou notpittie Niniuie , whom thouhaft drawneby thypreaching vnto them, to repentance ' Niniuieyeelded vnto.theeat thefirft words of thy voyce; but Iuda hill ftandsout obftinately inher malice againft my callingvpon her. And thereforeatthedayof judgement,the menofNiniuie fhallcondemne them for a ftiffenecked generation, anda hardhearted People ; feeingthey without any miracles were conuerted,and turned vntomeat the preachingof one poore to- nas, Etecceplus quamIonas hic, t indbeholdagreater thanlonas here. Hierufaletn feeingfo manymiracles,perfeuereth inher incredulitie; and therefore Niniuie (hall ftand, andHierufalem (hall be deftroyed. At the day of judgement thou Ihalt ftand confounded and afhamed,that abarbarous, ignorant,and vnbeleeuing Nation (which is agreat difgraceto a man ofhonor) that one that is fo farre in- feriour to thee, fhould cometo befo farre preferred before thee : As thofe Ci- ties where moft ofour Sauiours great workes were done, were vpbraided by him, becaufe they repented not ; pronouncingawoe to Chorazin,andawoe to Bethfaida : For if(faith he) the great workes which were done inyou,hadbeen done in Tyrus andSydon, they had repented long agone inSacke-cloath and Afhes. ReginaAußri. TheJeeneof theSouthfliall rife in judgement be. Some man may fay, Thehiftorie ofNiniuiewas foie , andwithout example inthe world;it hath not it's fellow. Forwhich caufe, hefetsdowne anotherexample oftheQeen of the South, ofwhom there is mention madein the thirdof the Kings, and in the fecond ofChronicles. TheQaeneof the South camefrom Morol,(an Ifland ofÆthyopia, as origen , SaintHierome, Saisit Auflen, Anfelmtos, and. Iefephus, faith) and onely toheare the wifedome of Salomon ; Et ecce,plue quamSalomon hic, Andbeholdagreater here than Salomon. It was much, thatthe barbarous people ofNiniuie fhouldbeleeueTongs, who fought afterthem,and nottheyaf- ter him : But much more isit, that an Æthyopian ueene fhould feeke after a King,to hit fogreattroubleand coft.EcceplusquamSalomonbîc. When thePrea- cher is ofthat greatpower and authoritie,that heboth fayes anddoes ; the little fruit