Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

Thebenefit ofknow- 6 I ing himfelfe. VponAfhwednefday. /fay 45'9' cob.1 o.9. n/at s.;e. , te6:/+1,; pentance,by puttinghim inmindofhis frailtie : for beeing duf} and afhes,how dare he conteft withhis Creator@Paquicontradicitfallorifao,tella,drc.We tohim tbatgainfaith this, thepmagain'?thePotter,drc. Thouglalfe ofVenice, thou difh ofChina , whycontendeft thou withhimwhoas bee madethee, can inan in- ftant daft] thee inpieces Secondly, it inclines God tomercie, Memerta(quafo) podPao latam fleapit me, i. confder(ô Lord)thatthou»Weft me°forth, &_as a cheefe that is ppreit thou dictamoldvp inmea maffeofbones, finewes, and flefh : ifthou fhalt lay thy heauiehand vponme,what ftrength ismine,that itfhouldbe ableto indure it e ifthou fhalt not takepittyofthis poore pieceofearth,thiscrazieveffel ofclay, what will becomeofthy mercieofold, andof all thy woonted kindneffe e if that fteeleand ftrongermettall ofrheAngelis was broken by thee,it is nogreat matter ifearth fplitandbreake in funder. This c.3lenient. is fopowerfull with God, that it workes two great effects with him ; theone,that it inclines himtoclemencie ; the other , that it makes him to bridle hispower. Firft,no fatherfo pitties his children,when hee fees them miferable. uomodomiferetarpaterfiliorom,i. Lirafatherpittieth hit .chil- dren, faith Dauid ofan infantthat falleth into theditte and is bemoyled and belloodyed,and allbecaufehe isweake and ignorant ; the likepittie doth God take.ofthofe thatfcarehim:and prefentlygiues areafonofthis hispittie,Recor- datueéf gaoàiampa toisfames, i. He remembreth that weeare bat Dufi. The like is elfewhere rendred,where it is faid,Non accendit Tramfoam,recordatra j7,quiacm* lamas; i. Ilekindled, not hiswrrtb;becaufehe calls to mindwee are butfieA.God in Pratt. (peakingofrhe iudging ofhispeople,fayth, hewill takepittieofthem in rcardoftheirmiferie andfiailtie, Yiditgood infirmatafit mùur,i. Neelaw the weaknef oftheirflrength,and confidered their phare abilities: and this did often occafionhim toalter thepurpofe ofhis vengeance.-That thewind fhould ftrug- gle with theOake,thar refits his rage, and that he should rear@his limbes from him, and rent him himfelfe vpbythe roots, itis not much that he fhould rake that courfewith him for hisproud refinance : butwith the Reedeor theRufh that fubmitsandhumbles itfelfe , obeyinghis Empire,and acknowledging his power,his furie fallsnot vpon them,&c. Secondly, Theacknowledgementofourmiferieand weakeneffe , it bridles the omnipotencieofGod. lobdebating thisbufineffe,cries out,Etdignumdacia fuperhuiufmadi I am a Flowerthat is withered within the compare ofa few hautes; I ama fhaddow that at euery ftepchangeth itfelfe andvanifhethaway; Et dignudmitfuper huiufmodi c Canisthou think it anhonor vnto thee toreuenge thy felfvponfofillie &miferable awormeas man a Contrafoliumquadventa ra- pitur,oJlendiapotentiamteam; &Jlipulamficcamperfeequern ? I ambutas the leafeof a Tree, one while theEaftwindofpride toffesme thisway ; anotherwhilethe Weil windofdefpaire driuesme that way;onewhiletheSouth windofluxury; another, the Northofrage & anger: Memorarepewee fubflantia,Remember what myfubßancett. TheLyonpreyes not vpon children andwomen, nor the le vponthe lefferbirds,noryour IrifhGreyhoundsvpon fhepheards curs nor i- fting hounds : hethat wreftles,andhe that runnesarace, will not hand in com- petition withhim that isnotorioufly inferiour vnto them, becaufe theyThal get noglorie by fuch aviétorie.That Emperorwas much condemned that warred withFlies, and tookegreatpleafure in the killingof them.Being then that Iam a fhaddow,a flowerofthefield, areed, or rathera thingof nothing, Whatho- nourcanft thoureape bymy ruine a&c. Pilule