Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

Dull both the Principle onlhuvednefda andpn n iodofallthings. r' y. Barut.3. Themeditati- on ofwhatw- are fubduet i v,,' s ,°"`P`áe' verb.Dom. Pride hat mannerof Pfaff . s.cytyfefl.Ho mitrs.incep. pr'mr7t°and Eah.4.m. E/ay 16. P d wha Earth the ba. left element. Pnlutses, & inPult erern >reuerterís. D_ufFthanart,and to duff thoufhalt returne. Theend euer holdsacorrefponden- ciewith it's bcgianing,Naduaegret fasfun,&,nudua reuertarilluc,fo faith lob. The riuers come from the fea, andthither agaiue they return; fo doth the Sunne from the Eaft, and thither it retyres again. That Imageofgold,filuer,braflè, & iron,thathad it's feet of earth,muft in the endturn toduff. Barticasks,vbifiat Printpes gentium ? His anfwere is, Adinferos defcenderunt; the earth hath fwal- lowed themvp all.S.Baftl commenting vponthis place,makes thelike queftion, andgiues the fame anfwer,Noxneamniapuluùe Nexnefabula?Nowinpaucic 0_ buy memoria ear.amconferxatur ? The greateft and famoufeft ofvsall haue been and are butduft;and there is left ofthem,but afew rottenand Itin- kingbones. Vpon this point fee 2r.gianzen orat.deHumana natura : Epitletua in Sententfs; G& inEnchiridion.cap.2 2 .Ò'C. Duff thouart,&c. Fromthis Principle I will inferre threeor foure concluf- ons ofgreat fruit and confequence : The firfl,Ifthouartafhes,áidluperbia terra t ' cinta, i. Whereofart thouproudothan dullandafhes Ofthybeginning ?No:Of thyend,: No : Ofwhat then f Ifthou fhouldeft fee thy felfe feated between the homesoftheMoone, Defundamentocogita ham.ilitati<., Thinkeon the bafe- neffe ofthybeginning,andthou (halt then fee,tharpridewas not borneforman, noranger andpettifhnefl'e appointed for womans condition; pride cannot lute withdirt,nor cur(tneffewith womansfofneíle. 46occultis eels rotunda meDo- mint;& abalienisparcefetzfo tuo, i. Lordclenfmefrommyfecretfinites, andfare thy f ruantfor thole that are ffrange. By alienis S. Hieromevnderftands thofe ofpride, for it is a ftranger,as itwere, &another kindofthing, differingmuch frommans bate andvile condition : and theHebrew letterfaith, Afuperbgs parce f rma tuo. WhereuponSaint Chrypffotrenoteth , Thatthere is not anyfinemore alien to mans condition than pride,orthat carrieswith it leffeexcufe. Thofe fooles that Genefispainteth forth,goingabouttobuild a Tower that fhouldouertoppe the Clouds,didin theirveriefirft word, venite,faciamtu lateres,i.Come,letvs makevs Brickes,bewray their foolifhneffe : What,goabout vponearth to reare a founda- tion thatfhould emulate Heauen t Godfaid vnto Ezechiel,Take thou atyle,&por- tray vpon ittheCitieofHierufalem,thewalls, theditches, the Towers, the Temple, and agreat armieairmen : Strange,yet true wefeeit is, thatthe ftrengthofcities, the power ofArmies,iscontained in apoorebrittle tile-ftone.Ejay threatned thofe ofMoab with whips &fcourges,becaufe theyinfultedand proudly triumphed vpon the wallsand towers ofhis Citie; Leguiminiplagie ÿs,gni latätarfuper ma- nos colli Iateris,i.Speakepnnifhment to thefe that reiayce inwalls that aremade ofbrick. What, canearthen wallsraifevp fuch prideinmen r Samuel beeing to anoint Saul, Godgaue himfora figne that he wouldhaue him Princeouer his People, That he Ihouldfind twomenas foone ashewas gone from him, neere vnto Ra- cbelsSepulchre. Godmight hauegiuen him fo therliigne,but he chofe ra- ther to giuehim this,to quelltheprideand haul neffeofthis hisnewhonor; as ifhe fhould admonifh andput thee inmind, T at theafhes offo fake a crea- tureasRachel fhould readaleéture veto thee,w t thoumutt be. Andthis is the reafonwhy theChurch,though Themight vfeother metaphors toexpreffe themiferyand fhortneffeofmans life,as is often mentioned inScrip-. ture,asbya leafe,a flower, a fhaddow ; yet. it makes moreparticular choyceof Duft &Afhes : betides,thofe be metaphoricall,and thefe litterall ; fornothing moreproperly appertainethvnto man thanDuft, and therefore the Scripture termeth