Gods tepett in comfor- / the firft Sondayin Lent. Serm.io. ring the defireffed. fillie wormer andpoore fnakes as theybee,isagreat indeeringof his loue to- wardsthem : whichmade SaintFaulto fay , omnesfuns adminíflratori Spiritus, Theyare all min ringSpirits. To thofeof the Spirit it might verle well be ; but that God fhouldminifter helpe to filthie, loathfome, andmiferable flefh , God could not endure to doe filch kindneffes, vnleffe hee had anefpeciall loue vnto them. The Scripture fcarceanywhere makes mention of the righteous man that isafflictedhere vpon earth, but, thatan Angel comes fromHeauento com- fort him : And for this,may fuffice that generall Proclamation, t rodvni ex mi- nimL( meinfeciflrs,ec. What yebasedone to the leaf! ofmine:6c. This truth ismade goodvntovsbymanyHiftories ; as thatof vigar, Daniel, Tobias, Elias, and ro- feph : Nay, toGodhimfelfe anAngell cametocomfort him, when hewas fo ful of forrowand heauineffe in the Garden. And thiswas it that mooued the A- poftle tofay, Gler:an sr intribulationibus,Weglorie in tribulations : For there is no Loaditone that drawer the yronmorevnto it,than TribulationBoth theRegales, and comforts ofHeauen : Andas the flame worketh moftvpon thatwood which is trodden downewith the feet ; fo theglorie ofGodworkethmoft vpon that heart which is moft oppreffed,&c. Mouebatur aqua, The waterwas mooned. Saint c..indrefe obferueth That the mooningof the water did ferne to ad- uifethe commingof theAngell : for littlewould hiscomming haue imported them, ifthe noyfethereof hadnot giuenthem notice of it ; for hiddentreafure, andconcealed wifedome,are neither vfefull nor profitable. And of this mira- culous motion there may be rendred fomenaturall reafon ;for that wee fee that your Lakes andyour Poolesare more vnquier, and naturally makemorenoyfe, whenthere is much raine towards. Other literallandmoral reafons are fet down elfewhere vpon thisplace. Sanabaturruntlr,Onewas healed. AFifh-poole, Porches, Angelis, Water, Motion ; Whatado is here a Some men maythinke, that this is too largeacircuit for fo fmall abuilding. I anfwer, That withGod it is as hard to heale one,asmany ; and hethat cancure oneman, who is a littleworldofhimfelfe , can with as much eafe giue remedie to the greater. But thofewere barrenyeares, andGods merciewas yet inHeauen; [Uitifeericord .-aDominiinCalo,faith Dataid] and asbeforeagreat rain fome few drops begin firft to fall ; fonow at the ftoopingof theHeauens, at thebreaking forthand fhowring vpon the earththe great merciesofGod , it is no meruaile, thatfome fmall drops fhould precede. In barren yeresbread is giuenvs byoun- ces ; but iftheharueft befruitfull,whole loaues lie in eueriecornerofthehoufe. Before that God had inriched the earthwith his prefence,allthofe former yeres werebarren, Grace andHealth were giuenvs bydrammes ; butthat yeare came at latt which crownedall the refs, that bleffedyereofhisMaiefties diuine boun- tie, Benedices ceronsanni benignitatà tux; thenwas Graceto thefoule, and health to the bodiegiuen vs,byArrob's andby uintalls;f2avirtusdellloexibat &f nabatomnes.Whileftthenightlafteth ,thoughitbecleere, and theMoonefhine bright, yetthe light is short; but when theday is come, and the beames Of the Sunneappeare,they bcautifie the whole world with their light. All that time wasnight, 2Cpxpraceßit,'c. Secondly, Thefnadow (till comes fhort of the fubflance.TheFith-poolewas a figureof Baptifine; it curedone today , and another tomorrow ; but Bap- tifine 165 Heb. s. ob. Sel. Gods merde not foplenti- full in the time of the Law,as flaw' ThePoole a figureofBap tirme.