Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

178 Qp A patcane for Repentance. On the Fryday after 1 tobn7. rohn g' Things shone the reach of reafon hard to bebeleened. ThisMiracle was theFermentum& Leuen ofthe deathof our Sauior Chrifi; for;picking aquarell with him vponthis occafion, they refolued to kill him,and this their intentiondayly encreafed, as oft as they called to mind this a6tion of his.And therefore heafterwardsfaid vntothem (as Saintfahn reports it in his fe- ,ai ucnth Chapter) Visum opusfeci, 6, , orientsadmiramini f n?, i hake done oneworked yeeall meruaile; Ihealeapoore ficke man onthe Sabboth day and yee all bleffe your felues, asthough I had aDeuill inme. This word Miramini is here taken in the worfer fence; fo Saint Chry[ojfome noteth it : For doing this fo good a deed you take me to bea tranfgreflourof theLaw ; but 1(hall prooue vnto you, that your accufation is vniuft : cilloyfes deditvobisCircumcfonem, nonpia ex Moyfes,fedex patribeee, &e. Mofesgaueyou Circumcîfon, not becaufeit is ofMofes,but of the Fathers ;and yee onthe Sabboth daycircumcife aman : Mofs gaueit yee, but he wasnot theprimarie andprincipali authourthereof; for before the Law ofMofeswas,was Circumcifion. The Ifraelites had itexpatribtu, oftheirfore- fathers; but becaufe it ceafed inthe Defert, hee did afterwards reftore it to it's former vfc and venue. The preceptof the Sabbothwas properto the Law of visofes, he was the firft that did inftitute it , till then it was nor foaridly obfer- ued. Nowyouyour felues doe circumcifeon the Sabboth day, (obferuingthe precept ofyour ancient Fathers) andyetfor all this yee breake not the Lawof Motes. If then a Crremonie bee lawfúll which is direEied to the health of the Soule; Why (hall not that be lawfull amongft youwhich curethboth foule and bodie r Yeearcangric with me,and feeketo kill me, becaufe Ihaue madeaman euerie whit whole vponthe Sabbothday, &ia totum hominemfeci,&c. Gui snefanumfecit. He that made me whole,faiduntome, Take vp thy bed and walke. The Iewesbe- ingmightily incenfed againft our Sauiour forthat whichhe haddone, itbeefing the Sabboth day, anda great feaft with them ; asked the poore man in an hot andangriefa(hion, Whoit wasthat bid him takevp his bedand walke r hee told them, ui mefanumfecit,That it was Iefus,that had made himwhole : Adifeafe of thirtie eight yeares old, which neither Nature, Art, nor mygood fortune could rid away fromme, did yecld and render vp it felfe in an inftant to the em- pire of him that healedme ; That his long loft ftrength andhealth,after fo long an abfence, returnedprefently backeagaineat the foundof his voice, and com- forting thofe his rotten bones, & caufing his canker'dand withered flefhtowax youngagaine, had banifhedall achesandwhatfoeuerother difeafesfromhis bo- die ; (hall not I then obey him whomSickenefhe and Healthdoe thusobey t' It feemeth this poore manhad plaidthe theefe,and fiole this reafon fromDauid, 2'Cenne Deofubiella eritanima mea, quoniam abipffalutare meum , It is reafongood, that I (houldfubieilmyIdle to Gad, becauffrom his bandcomes myfaluation. f i me f nomfecit,He that hath donemefuch a happineffe and fucha bleffing as none otherscan doe the like, but God,why fhould I not obey himas God ' Eccè,fanosfaottts es. Behold, thouart madewhole, be. Thisman Chrift afterwards met withall in the Temple, and faid vnto him, Pece,fangsfalluu es , Behold, thouartmade whole. Thisword Ecce includes in it a thoufand things : The firft is, Thegreatneffe of this hisfauour towardshim ; for there are fome things fo tranfcendent andbe- yond the reachof om;reafon,that theywho enioy them do fcarcebeleeue them, theyare foafionifhed and amafed at them. When the Angell freedPeterout of Herds