180 Thisttfes happinesa Rofeenui- roved with Thames. Ejsy 66. < But Hell is filedwiththe name of Stagnum, aHanding Poole DAtii i font in Stagnaim ignis]becaufe it is a punifhtnent thatalwaics ítands at one flay,and is flil thefame, &c. The heart of the Godly finds thiseafe,that it hues in hope ofre- couerie ; and the euills ofthe Righteous areneuer fo many, butthat they haue fome fhadowofgood. Adamdid fuppliehis nakednefl'ewithFigge leaues. Death , which is the greateft ill to mans life, dulleth the fence, which is akindofgood ;but Hell gibes nohopeofeafe,no thewofcomfort. Fromwhich Godofhis merciekeepe vs, &c. 11;35 ÿ e:'â4 ßál THE ELEVENTH SERMON, VP. ON THE SATVRDAF AFTER THE FJRST SONDAY IN LENT`: AND VPON THE SECO2tD SOX.DAT IN LENT. MAT. 17. McHc.9. Lv:c.9. eifffumpfit1efiu, Petrum, & f acobum,& 5ohannem. lefus tookeuntohimPeter, and names, and John. =a VrMctherChurch folemnizingonce ayeare the Myfteries ofbut Sauiour Chrift; this,it folemnifeth twice, one day aftc another g s giuin vs thereb y -a fauour. ofthat glorie g , which is reprefentedin this Mÿfterie, onthefetwoaccu- :.; fouled feftivall dayes. Herein this world t4eyare ended f, the yerie felféfaille day they art celebrated; and the ending e ,T, ofrhátdayes pleafure, is thebeginning of ournext dayès labour.But iti r that 'other world(fatth,Efiy) Erit menlis, ex menfe ;6, Subathum,ex Sabathd,Trammo teth to vnoneth,andfròbi"Sabbath to Sabbath fhafl all Flefhcome o worihipbefvreme. Amime elur Iewes,the firft dayofyour monethsand your SabbothsWeirè 'eerie fölemnethings. And efay takingthe rnonéthfor the fief day,faith, in that gloriewhich weTooke fpr,one moneth(hallouertake another,andthere _Palbesabbèthupon Sa4bóihHemight haue faid(withóüt ofnganykind offigure) a perpetiällFeaft, a perpetiiali Sabboth, andaperpetuáll Reft. Mans happines in