Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

. Ram, theoccafion of many«ueItiès. the fecondSondayin Lent. Ser. ti. led in triumph by their enemies, many valiant men hemadean end of them fclues. And for that Feare doth not onely extend it felfe toanabfent good , as well as Hope, but likewik toa prefent ; and for thatto lode the prefent good which amampoffeffeth, caufeth agreater forrow, than to loofe the good which we doebut hope for ; itfeemeth,that Feare is more powerful' than Hope. 'Yet notwithflandingall this, Antiquitie hath giuen the PalmetoHope ; and the reafons on thatfideare veriexleere. The firft, IfFeare come toeffeélgreat things, it is by the helpe and ,fauor of Hope ; for therecannot beany feare,without hopeofefcaping the illorthe dan- ger that is feared. Himwhom the feare ofTome great hurt apprehendeth, ma- kerhchoice to killhimfelfe, that he may efcapethat harpie. The fecond, Thomasand Ar/etlebothaffirme, That Delightis theauthour of nobledeeds and difficult enterprifes. Whence the Phylofopher inferreth,That that thing cannot long continue, which wee 'doe not take delight in.. Delight then beingthe child of Hope ; andSorrow , the fonne of Feare, Feare is leffe noble thanHope. Thethird, LoueandHopecarrie vs along as Prifoners, intheir triumph, yet as free,vfingvs like noble perlons. And as they lead vsalong, fo are we willing togoe with them: But Feare carrieth vsawayCaptiues , halingvs by the haire ofthehead, tuggingandpullingvs asaSergeant dothapoore Rogue,who goes with anill will along with him makingall the refiflance that he can. And for that Heauen confifts wholly of noble perfons,andthat the conditionof God is fonoble, andthe reward which hepropofeth,fo honourable,wefhould do him great wrong,to fullerour fettles to be drawne by force to fo fuperexcellent a good ; howbeit, with thofe that hauehungbacke,our Sauiour Chrifthathvfed the threatnings and fearer of Death,of Iudgement, andof Hell : And his Pro- phets &Preachers aretherinto follow hisexample.Thofe that arehis children heRill defrrethto lead them in the triumphofHope : And for thiscaufe Zacha- rie cals them theprifoners ofHope,Turneyee to thefrongHold,yeprifners offope. Saint vlrnbrofe faith, That bee made choiceofElias and ctofes, toQiew, That in Gods HoufethePoore isas much refpetedas the Rich. cMofes in his yonger yeares wasa Prince ofÆgypt ; afterwards, the chiefe Commanderand Leader of Gods People : Elias was alwayespoore, and halfe hunger-flarued, cloarhed with Goats haire ; yet both thefe did enioy theglorie of Tabor. The like judgement may be made of Elizera andDauid,of Lazarus,and ofAbraham, and ofdiuers others. Saint Lukeaddeth,Yifafont in ctitaiejiate,Theymerefeene inState : Forgreat was the Maiefliewherewith Elias and c.Mofes appeared. And Tertullian faith That they appeared glorious [In claritat?spr erogativa ;] So that thofenewDifciples, Peter, Iames,and john, might, byfeeing thefe his antient followers fohappie,bee thereby thebetter encouraged , andhopetoenioy thelike happineffe. origen and Epiphaniesare ofthe fame opinion. Saint Hierome, againft louinianue ; and tertullian, in his bookeDe Iejunio, fay, That Elideand Moftdid fait fortiedayes, aswell as our Sauiour Chrift in the Wilderneffe ; and thatthereforetheyTeemedas gloriousashimfelfe. Whence they inferre, That hee that will bee transfiguredwith Chrift, muff fait with Chrift. Loquebanturde exceffu. They fpakeof hisdeparture. Touching that death which our Sauiour Chrift wasto fuffer in Hierufalem, there 191 Zarb. 9.