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Thebody°fChtifttW°E°ld, the leconcFSundayirtLent. Ser.iz. Na[urall, & Mift[call. 193 Chrift,wee are 1o confider two bodies theoneNatúrall ;the other which isthe Church : And as hee left thefirft nayled and faftned to the Crofee for the fecond ; fohe left this llalfamum,for the annointing and curing of it : Whichwas agreat Exceffe. Dauid calledhim a Worme,a Scoife, aTaunt, and theReprochof the People ; for that whileft he hued in the world, he tooke vp- -ohhim all the affronts and contempts that man could cafe vpon him. And be- caufe there is notany loue comparableto that of our Sauiour Chrift, nor all the loues in the world put together, canmake vp filcha perfc l loue; as alfo for that there was not any affront likevetohis , nor all theaffronts of the world could e4úall the affronts that were offeredveto him ; that on the one fidehee should loue, fomuch ; on the other, fuffer fomuch, this was a great Exceffe. N zian- een feeingvs fwallowed vp inthis fea ofmiferies, vfeth a kind of Alchimie , by ioyninghis greatneflèwithoutlittleneffe- ; his powerfulneffe, withour weake- .neffè ; his faireñeffe,with ourfouleneffe ; hisbeautie,with our deformitie his riches, with ourpouertie ; thegoldofhis Diuinitie,with the durt ofour Fief]] : And asthe greater drawes the leiTer after it ; fo our bafeneffe did afcend to an heigthofhonour. Andthis was agreat Excefhe; but farregreater to efteeme this Exceffe asa Glorie : whence the Saints of Godhaue learned to (tileTribu- lation,and the CroffesGlorie. Secondly,-This Exceffemaybe termed GIorie, becaufe it was themore glo= riotis aftion that God euerdid : For what could be greater, than to fee Death fubdued,Life reftored, the Empire of finne ouerthrowne , the Prince thereof _difpoffeffedofhis Throne, Iuftice fatisfied, the World redeemed, andDarknes made Light r Thirdly,It may be faid to be Glorie,becaufe that by thishis death athoufand _Gioriesare to follow thereupon : Propter quad&Deus exaltauit ilium,&c.Where - foreGod bathhighlyexalted him, andgiuen him aname abonemerit' name ;that at the nameof lefuefhouldeuerieknee bow, bothofthings inheauen, and things inearth , and ;things veder the earth : And this was the reward ofhis obedience and ofhis death. And the reafonthereofwas, thatthe World feeing it felfecaptivated by fo fingular abenefit, menshould make littlereckoningeither of their goods or theirhues, for this hisexceeding loue towardsthem, but defire inall that they can to thew themfeluesthankefull. And therefore Efaycries out, o , that then wouldefl breaksthe Heartensand comedown, andthat the c Mountains might melt at thy prefence,&c. What agreat change and alteration wouldeft thou fee in the world r thou wouldit feeMountaines ( that is, hearts that are puffed vp with pride)humbled and laid leuell with the ground : Thouwouldft feeWarers,that is, bretts thatarecold and frozen, boylewith the fireof Zeale,and wholly em- ploy themfelues in thy feruice. And inhis fixtieth Chapter,treatingofthe pro- fits andbenefitswhich we (hall receiue by Chriftscomming,he faith, For brafe will!bringgold,andforyronwills bringfluer,and for ivood,braffe,andfor flones,yron 1w,11a f make .thygouernment,peace, and thine exaldours,righteoufneffe;violencefhall nomorebe heard ofin thy Land, neither defolatien nor deflruaion within thy Borders; but thanfhalt call Salvation , thy Wags ; andpraife, thy Gates. The Lorellhal bee thine enerlaftingLight,and thy God,tby Glorie. Bonumofnos hic effe,&c. It isbetter beinghere,than in lerufalem ;let vs therefore make here threeTabernacles, &c. Saint Gregorie calls Honour, 7ernpe1t4temintelleTha, (i.) The vuderftandings Storme,orTempeft, inregardof the danger it driuesman into, and theeafineflé R where- Phil. x. Chriftepaal- on the foun- taire of our Glorie. aY64 Efay Co.