19 Prhoards Chrhtians.e Vpon the Saturday after &C. Arid on 6 hoards and Chri$ians. [" ) 'ro commend coldlythat which is excel lent, Oxwes a weakeiudg- ment. Efay 6o. Blind Clouds were forthe Law,bright for the Gofpel. Wes. Heeioyned hisowne, and the common caufe together, that Godmight be the better pleafed therewith,andthe foonergrauet his requeft. Thirdly, Peter erred in his too too cold commendation of this Glorie, for the which a greater praife had beetle infufficient. Thou defireft a Painter to 'how thee apiéture ; He takes out one ; thou defircitabetter, bee takes out ano- ther,that contentsthee not : At laft he fhewes thee the heftthat he hath ; Thou coldly commendit it,andfayft, it is a prede good peece,fo,fo : Hegroves wea- rieofthee,and takes it awayfrom thee. Godmade in the worlddiuers piétures, euery oneof them beeinggood apart; and all ofthem put together, exceeding good. Thou fiyft,ô Lord,thefedoe not fatisfiemy defire ; I would fee theheft peece that euer pail through thy hands. He carryes thee vp tomount Tabor, hee there fhowes thee hismafter-peece, his Glorie Peter giues it onely thiscold commendation, cmailerit isgood. Peter thou erreF fayth theEuangelift ; For hee knewnot what hee rays!. Fourthly , Peterdid erre, indebafingfomuch that glorie,whichhad no need atall of anyTabernacles, or houfestodefend them from the Sunne,&c. Forras hedidnot thinke thenvpon eating, fo hemight haue had as little mind of flee - ping. Saint Ambr% definesHappineffe, to bee, omniabona, en omnibono . Hce need not defire aSunne to giuehim light , becaufe he inioyeth another Sunne, that neuer fetteth ; andanother Moone,which neuer is in it's wane , or increafe. Thou 'halt haue nomoreSunne,to fhi to by day ( faith Efay) neither(hall the lightneffe of theMoone thinevnto thee. Thy Sunne fhall neuer goe downe, neither fhall thy Moonebe hid. For the Lord fhall bee thineeuerlafting light, and the dayes of thy forrow be ended. But here, our felicitie,is inthewane , and ourhappi- neffefullers an eclipfe. Neitherisour light citare, faith Saint Bernard, nor ourrefe- ¿'ian full, nor our motionfafe : Cloudes, obfcure it's light; hunger,marres it's fulneffe ; andalteratious,it's firmeneffe,and fecurity. GregorieNffen fayth,That, Necefsitie brought inRule and Dominion . For that there fhould bee aLord and Ruler, there is aneceffitie in it; And that there fhould bea greater Lord,there is a greater neceffitie in it. ForMan , had neede of the creatures, and God made him Lordouerthem. Ifaman could runneas faft as a horfe,heewere not Lord ouer the horfe ; if he had theclawes,and ftrengthofa lyon, heewere not Lord ouer the lyon ; But inHeauen,there is not any the leaftligne of neceffitie : for there both the Sunne, theMoone, the Creatures, Fountaines, Plants, Fruits, Flowers,andHordes are all fuperfluous. So that Peter when hee talkt of buil- ding Tabernacles,heknewnot what hefayd. ddhue eoloquente, eccè nubes lucida. via ashe yetfpake,behold abright Cloud. Scarce hadPeter ended his fpeech, when abright fhiningcloud, like a glorious Curtaine,ouerfpred them all. Tho- mas fayth , That in this cloud the holy Ghoft defcendeddowne, as heedid in that Baptifme, in the forme of aDoue. Theophilatl, That in the oldTeftament Godappeared in darkeclouds,which ftrooke terrour,and amafement ; but now he comes in a bright cloud,becaufe he cameto teach,and to giue light. Theho- ly Ghoft, is the Author of the light of our foules. Wifedome cals him, Spiri- tumintelligentie,Thefpiritofvnderflandingg; And the Church dayly begges of him , that hee will lighten our darkeneffe, and illuminate our fences. Accende lumen fenftbue. From the cloud, there went outavoice,likevnto thunder, which fayd, This is my belened Sonne, heart him. And Saint Chryfallome hathnoted it, That Mofes, and