Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

r The ascueafhorteethis world, the fecond SondayinLent. was cuer fhort & transfitory. and Eliasdifappeared,and were not tobee feene ; to the end that the Difciples mightvnderftand , that this voice was onely directed toour Sauiour Chriff. Howbeit,hauingfeene beefore inhis face that treafure ofglorie , and Peter ha- uing acknowledged him to bee theSonne of the euerliuing God , in the name of thewhole Colledgeand Societieof the Apofties;it could not bee prefumed otherwife. Thevoice beeingpaft , the cloud vanifhed , and the Difciples remainedas deadmen. Our SauiourChrift quit themof their feare , andcommingagain to themfelues , like thofe that are awakened from a heauie fleepe , they faw none but onely lefus inthe garden. Theywere faine allafleepe , and they flept fo foundly,that our Sauiour Chrift could hardly wake them. Heere likewife they failed ; for theyawakedwith anearneft delireto enioy that gloriewhich they had feene, but they did notfee itany more. Era, becaufe thofeeyes that Phut themfelues to labour,donot deferue to feefuch glorie ; Secondly, becaufe vpon earth,(though it be fromHeauen)nogood can continue long. Thomas faith, That thebodyof our Sauiour Chrift did inioythisglorie,as it were bytranfiti- on, or a gaffing by ; And that thofe glories,which are enioyed hereon earth,are fhort &momentarie, they areno better thangrafte and hay, which are foonecut down&withered,they are Winter Sun-fhinesandSummer-Floods,foonegone. Mans dayes are like the grafe,andas theflawreofthefield, [ofhallheeflourifh. But that the glorieof God should ftand vpon thefe tick] ifhtearmes,I cannot wel tell what to fay to it;nordoe l knowwhich is the greater miracle ofthe two , either that the glorie of the Earth fnouldcontinue,or that of Heauen haueanend. But the truth is, thole goods do not Taft longwith vs,whichHeauen it felfe commu- nicateth vntovs. Saint Bernard fayth, Thatthofepenfions which God beftows onhis friends,are veniegood,but verse fhort. SaintAußen ; That it is a fweete, but a fhortgood, that Godgiuesvs in this World. HugodeSanfto Vit'iore, That Gods Regalos or Regales delitia, haue twodifcountirigs, ordiminutionsof debt in this life : Theone, that they are not full ; the other,that they are not long,for a cloud prefently comesand ouerfhadowes them. Saint Bernardtreating of the cherifliments and comfortsof the Spoufe, vnder thename ofkiftes, faith, Heu rara hora, & parua mora ; Onewhile he faith, that he fuffered his thoughts tobe carriedawaywith the fweetnes ofthefe daintiedelights, conceiuingit tobee a great happineffe ; but thenhee fayth againe, o,fidurat. Thofe that trauell abroad,referue all their content they rake therin,for their Countrie ; fo that their ioy fha! not only be ful,but permanenr,Theyflu/ hedrunke with theplentifulnes, &c. OfT ehridics,a friendofhis, Saint Auguiline faith(And he applieth his mouth to that Fountaine from whencehe drewallhis happineffe ; )Projucunditatefua fine fine,folix ; Happie,for thepleafureofït without end. .7pfumaudite,Hearehim. Here theWorld did receiue fogreat agood, that the Father did giue vs his Sonne, tobe our Mallet and Law-giuer. So thatit lyes vpon himto teach vs,and vponvs toObeyhim. renal/anfayth, That thepretence of Mofesand Elias, made much for that prefent purpofe,but more now theirabfence;forthat it gaue vsthereby tovnderftand, That thisfupreame Mailer and Lawgiuer did far out- ftrip theoffice of Moles, andthe zeale whichElias had of the Law [ waftjam o cio honoreperfunelis.] For in this bell belouedTonne ofGod, Iefus Chrift, two things aretobe feene ; theone, as hewas aLawgiuer, theaduantage thathe had of theLaw ; theother, That Mofes was now put to filence,and thatwewere R 3 onely 197 Chrilk ap- pointed tobe ourTeacher but when.