I IÇg O WhyChr(tinioyned On the Saturdayafter,Andon &c. his Difci les dente. I f°t. 91. iVngr I. Profperitie Endoalwaies Freinds, ad- uerfsty none. onelyto hearkentoour SauiourChrift. At his Baptifme thatverie felfe fame voice was heard,Thii is my belovedforme ; butwe findnot therean ipWiamsudite, Hearehim. Not notifying him then to the World fora Mafter ; fo thatit feemeth that this was referued for our Sauiour Chrift, againft he hadpaftouer the rigour of Fattingand Pennance : fignifying, That God placeth not him in theoffice ofaPreacher,who hashnotrun through thefe ftri& courfes. Benepatientes erupt, vtannuntient, Chrift had no need to doe pennance,but thou haft great need todoe fo, Locus eft commas. Dofendentibau illis, bc. Andwhen they camedownfrom the Mount,hechargedthen? tofaynothing toany man. He inioyned them filence : Firft , (faith Saint Iherome) 2 incredibilevidererur,leathe greatneffe and ftrangenelfe thereof fhouldmake men tothinke it tobe anoldwiues tale. And ifChrift faidtoNicodemase,Ifwhen Itellyeeearthly thingsyee beleeue not, how willyeebe brought tobeleeue thole high and hcauenlymylteries of the Kingdome ofGod? Here occafion may bee taken to taxe thofe, who comming from beyond the feas, areall in their Hyperboles, abufing others Bareswith their loud lyes, butgiuing the lyemolt to their owne foules. Secondly, He inioyned them filence, for thatthe fauours and regales which thou (halt receiuefromGod in private, thouartnot to bring themvpontheftage inpublique, or toproclaime them (aswe fay)at the Croffe. Leaue this care to God, for he will bring themto light in their due time, when they fhal makefor thy honour,and hisglorie. Elias was verie carefull,that noman fhould knowof his departure ;nay, he fought to hide it from Elifña, Payingvnto him inGilgall, Sedehic,&c. Tarriehere, l pray thee,for theLordbathfnt meto Bethel : But Elifba faid, t4s the Lard liuetb, and as thyjoule liueth, Iwillnot leavethee. And hee was fcarce come toBethel!, but the childerenofthe Prophetsthat were at Bethell cameout toElifha,andfaidvetohim,Knoweft thou thattheLordwilltakethymatter from thineheadthis day ? Noui, f lets, Tea, I knowit, (faid he)boldyeeyourpeace.Elias afterwards departed for Ienico, intreating Elìfhathat heewould tarrie behind, promifinghim, that he would prefently retume vntohim,but hecouldnot per- fuade Elifhavnto it.Theywere fcarce come to Icrico,but the fonnesofthePro- phetsacquainted himwith thelike newes ;towhom he anfwered as before,No- ui,f?lete . Inthe end, goingfor Iordan, Eliflia (till followedhim,and fifty ofthe fonnes ofthe Prophets : fo that the moreEliasfought to concede thisbufinefle, the more Godmadeit knowne,by reuealingit (as Toftats's hathobferued) to the fons of the Prophets. And Elias defiringthat they fhould not feethis his Cha- riot offire,and his Triumph, oneonlyGodmade manywitneffes of hisglorie. Neminem rviderunt, nififolum!Blum. Onely in Chrift lefus are our hopes fecured. Men will accompany you whileft the glorie of your profperitie lafteth ; but that beeingended, you fhall find no man that will f icke vntoyou ; Woe unto himthat is alone,forifbefall,bee (hallhavenone tohelpe him vp : And this is truly verifiedof thofewho truft on the world, or haue any confidence in man. Weighand confider withthy felfe,what anumber of friends lerufalem had in it's profperitie, how readie to feruc her, andto court her loue ; but when lerufalembegan tofall, andwhen fhe hadmolt needof her friends,Ieremie complaineth,Shee hadnotfomuchasenefriend to beher comforter. The Godofall comfort vpholdvs with his euerlaftingloue, that wemay not perifhin this wrold, nor in theworld tocome. THE