Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

°rZfb7° ltilb7°K`1` °rYb)v°lö,`fbl°°nSb7v° Ngsgsatticasmut. m THE TWELFTH SERMON, VPOAC I HE OWYACD.Rr AFTER THE SECOND SVN. D LENT. 199 JOHN 8. 2I. Egovado, & queretume. I goemyway, andyee íha11 feeke me. HeScribes and Pharifees were offended atthefauour which, in affront oftheirauthoritie,our Sauiour had fhewne to the Adul- tereffe,faying,Let him that is amongyouwithoutfinhe , cafi thefrrfl lone ather. Theyhad madefome threaming offers(as men that I thought themfelues much wrongedby him) to take away his life; but becaufehis hourewas not yet come,noman laidhands on him. Whereupon our Sauiour faidvntothem, ego vado,Wby feeke yee thus after my life, I goe myway, I amhe,whomwillingly,andofmyne owne accord offer myfelfevnto death ;yourarmes were not lirong enough toholdme, if it were in my deliretomake refiftance : but when I amdead yee !hall feeke mee. For the Iewes vfed continually tocal for their Meflias,and did earnefilylongaf- terhim, e7rpetting thenhis comming,whenas hee was alreadie come : and for that this hopeof theirswas hopeleffe,hefaiesvntothem,Yeethalldie in your finnes, your death fhall differ much from mine, for I!hall goe one way, andyou another ; WhitherIgoe, yeecannotcome. Your inferiour Minifters did prefume, That our Sauiour out ofadefperate humour would needshueamongthe Gen- tiles, as hee that goestoMorocco to turneMoore ; thePharifees,they thought that he would goe deftroyhimfelfe ; What meaneth this manto fay, Whither I goe,yee cannot come Will he kill himfelfe r Vnto whichvnmannerly fpeech our Sauiourreplied, Yee are frombeneath, Iam fromaboue; yee are of this world, Iamnot of this world ;Ihauetold yee alreadie,That except yebeleeue that I any he,yee flail die inyourftnnes,not onely in that of incredulitie, but in all Without Faith in Chriti, no remi(iionof pinne. lohn 8. 7.