Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

201. Sígneswher- by to know whetherwee fake God truly. lames 4. 5. A godly kind of Enrie. Falfe perfuaGons the=it (111 theMondayafter dangerous inotions. ! Hence I inferre,how dangerousa thinganerrour is efpecially in point ofour faluation ; how dangerous, an ill performedConfellion , yet by vsreputed for good ; howd:tngerous,afecure, but unfound confciencc; howdangerous for a mantoerre in his account in the beginning; howdangerous highly to offend God, andyet thinke that thereinwee doe himgood feruice. AMoore killeth a Chriftian,.and hee thinkes that hee hath pleafedGodverie well in fo doing : A Schiftnaticke throwesdowne Images,breakes glaffewindowes,anddefaces all earned faces, Ind thinkes that he fhewes therein agreat deale ofzealous refped and reuerenceveto God : The Iewhates thename of Chrifl, and perfecuteth him that takes it inhis mouth ; Andhe thinks that he dohan acceptable thing inGods fight. O.,what a fearefull affrontingofhiscrrour willit beto the Moore , how fhamefullywill hee feehimfelfe cofined,when he(hall beholdhis Mahomet bur- ning in Hell flames ? To the Iew, to fee Chrift our Sauiour come with theMa- jeftie andglorie ofGod, to iudge the taunts and fcoffes , and other cruelties which theyvied towardshim r To the Heretickes, tofee the Saints whom.they haue burned, to fitas Affftants at their condemnation ? Thenwill they cry out when it will betoo late, Erauimua inviaveritatis,Wehasteerredin thewayoftruth. And if a man (hall then fee, that hee hath loft fiftie yeares ofgood workes, of Prayers, Aimes, Faftings,wherewithhe thought to gaine andmerit Heauen; O,how lamentablewill that loffeappeare,when hee (hall find that by them hee hath treafuredvpmorewrath againftthedayofvengeance , more forrow and moretorment in Hell ouretisme, Yee(hallfeekeme In the former Chapter hee added,2ónroue nietia,Tee(hall notfindme. leremie bath thefame ; and thereafons thereofare two: The firft, Becaufe he that feeketh floathfully & careleffely, fldomeor neuer findeth. From the time that our SauiourChrift was borne, hee condemned this their floathfulneffe. The Kings came from theEaft to feekehim ; but the Pha- rifeeswould not ftepa foot out ofdoores to looke after him , not hauing the light ofone fingle Starre,but ofa thoufand Prophecies. Inlapidelute°lapidatus eftpiger,fiercore hansomlapìdatuaellpiger: The Greeke letter makes the fencemore plaine :for in (lead ofLapidatue,itreads Comparatua. A floathfull man is compa- red toa durtienone, or to the dungofan Oxe ; vnderftandingby thefetwo,any kindof loathfome filthineflèwhatfoeuer,which thehand ofmanwill auoydto touch, which ifit doe touch, itis befineeredand fouled therewith. The(loath- full man is no leireodious; for hethat (hall giuehimfelfeouer veto(loath, (hall be bemiredin hiswealth or in hishonour, andThal hauecaufeall thedaysofhis life toweepeand complain. TwoEgnes theScripture fetsdowne ofhimthat feekesGod truly : Theone, That hee feekesas earneftly toferue him, asothers delireto offend him, TheSpirit that dwellethinyou,lufethmonde. TheSpirit isheretaken in the better fence, as appearethby the Greeke Tranflation, as alfobythat which fol- loweth,But hegiuethmoregrace. He faith then, That the holy Ghoft Both put enuie into ourbrefts,binding euerieSoule to labourfor his faluationwith enuie.. SaintPaul faith,Spirituafantheapoflulatpro nobasgemitibuainenarrabilibua ; That is, He makes vs todelire it with groanes. So likewife,he makes vs to delireourfal- uationwith enuie; that wee fhould haue the enuieoftheworldlyminded man, and thecareof the Theefe, when hee goes about his theftsand his robberies. Thebeaftly Epicurehotlypurfues his filthiepleafures ; the reuengeful man,his reuenge. Demofthenes didenuiea Smith thatwas his neighbour,for that herote vp fo earlyto fo bate andfouleanOccupation. TheTheefewatcheth all night to