2.02. The fouines of Sinne. Gez. 43. No ßner fodefecratebut at ene Vpp theMonday after time or other feélesremorre; r hatred theybore tohim while he wasaline.. The third,, when theybeing befiegedby7'itue andYeffafian, calling tomind, that he hadforetold them,therefhouldnot be one ftone leftvponanother in Ie- rufalem, many ofthem returnedtoour Sauiour Chrift,and fought after him.but with avery poore&weakepurpofe:Theydid inheritthis euil conditionoftheir forefathers and grandfathers of old,who did neuer feeke God, but whenbee fcourged them foundly fortheir fins : Andwhen that ftorniewas paft, and their peace made , they fellafrefli to theirformer rebellions. There are fèw men fo paft grace, which doenot fometimes ugh for Heauen. But themifchiefeof it is, that thefeour fighes arequickly oueiblowne, they doe not Taft withvs. In thedarkeft night, there are fome lightnings which breake through theclouds and cleare theay re ; butin the end thedarkeneflè preuaileth. In your duskieft & cloudieft daics,the Sun.iswoont to rug" through thefoggi eft & thickeft clouds ; but new cloudes arifing, the Sunne retires himfelfeand pulls inhis head.Saul by fpurts diddart foorth manybeames of light; acknowledging that Dauidhad donehimmany realicourtefies,and that hehad repayed himeuill for good,and hada purpofewith himfelfevpon fits to fauorhim,and tohonour him ; But the foggy clouds, and my(tie vapours ofEnuy increafngmore andmore vpon him, thefe lightflafhes were turned intodarkenefl'e. Balaton, whenKing Balack fent vnto him to curie Gods people, had versegood purpofes and delires for awhile withinhim ; He confultedwith God inthat bufineffe, and knowing that it was hiswil,thathe shouldnot go,difpatched thofehis meffengers.And theKing fen- ding others vnto him , he told them , That he would not go to that end,if hee would giue himhis houle full of gold. Doubtlefl'e, thefe were good intenfi- ons,had he continuedhill in the fame mind.But theclouds of' couetoufneffedid ouercaff thislight of his vnderftandingwith fogrofle adarkenefle,that neither the Angel which flood before himwithanaked fword in theway,nor hisbeaft which fpakevnto him,and turnedafide, could keepe him backe. Jn peccato rveffromoriernini. Tee fhatdye in your Jinn. There aregreat indeerings inthe holy Scripture,of the grieuoufnefle of fine,and the hurt that comes thereby. Anfelmuefayth, That he hadrather fly withoutfin in the flamesofHel, thanwith fin,inioyHea- uen. fleemight well fay fo, in regardof Hel. For although Saint Auflen faith, That onedrop of thewater of Paradife fliall be fufficient to quench the flames of Hell,yet (hall it not be able towafh away the foulnefleoffinne.Helias defired of God, that hemight dye vnder the Iuniper tree ; andyet hewould not be rid of his life by lezabell, in regardofthefinne that tyrannicall Queen fhould haue committed : fothat eueninhis mortall enemy,fo great an ill feemed intollerable vnto him. In Scripture,finne is acypher of all poffible infelicitie and misfortune that canbefall a man. Saint Paul fayth, That God made his Sonne finne. Himwho knew nofinne,hee madefinne forvs. For difcharging vponhim the tempeftof his wrath, hemade himofall othermen the moll miferable. Nouifimormvirorum. Jacob would notlet Beniamingoe downwith his brethren to 'Egypt (lofeph de- firing to haue it fo) thoughReubenhad offered twoof his owne fons as pledges for his fafe return,& to the end that the good oldman lhould haue thebelt fecu- ritie he could giue him ; Reuben fayd, Ifhe returnenot, Eropeccati reue ; I will be contentto becondemned toall poffible miferies whatfoeuer. The like Ber. fabewas willing to fay, when flitthought theraigne ofher forme Salomon fhould bee