God never dircouers to the fecond Sunday inLent. Ser.iz.. any their reprobation. 207 is taken for theend and finali diffolutionof man : And hefaith,That his greatcft care was thecontinuali remembranceof his end. He repeateth the likeinmany otherof his Pflmes,Exurge Domine,ne repellas infinem, AriftLord,put vs not offto the end. lfquequo Domineobliuifceris me ?How long wilt thouforget me, to the end? Lordlet me know myend : I euer,ô Lord,had aneye to the perill and danger ofmy end. Take me not awayin the middeflofmy dayes; for that is nota fit time foramans end. In aword, true happineffeor vnhappineffconfifts in it's arrivall at it's Ha- uen ; for it little importeth,to haue efcaped thisor that ftorme, vnleffe we come to land fafely. It is not fufficientfor a man ro haue fpent agreat deale ofmoney in aLaw fuit , vnleffe hee haue fentence onhis fide. It is the eueningthat com- mendeth theday,andour end that crowneth our aétions, &c. fnpeccato ovefiro moriemini. Tee(hall die inyourfnne . Wearenot ignorant, that God reuealed tomanyof his Saints their predeftination, astoMarie Magdalen, and his Apoftles; but to none their reprobation,left the infallibilitieofthis reuelationfhould thruft them into defperation. And thofe words Teefhalldieinyourftnne, feemeth tobee a plaine prophecie,that thispeople wereto die in theirfine. I anfwer , That this cannot bea reuelation, fortwo reafons : Theone, Becaufethe Pharifees did not beleeue ; and innot giuing credit to our Sauiour Chrift in the truth that hee vttered for theirgood, it islikely they would not belecue thofethat hedeliueredfor their hurt. Theother, For that ourSauiourChrift repeating theverie felfe fame propo- fition,madeit conditionall, YnlefftyeebeIeeue,yeeThal! dte inyrurfinne; whichwas as it werea declarationofthe former. Ina word, Twowere thofe things which our Sauiour Chrift pretended : One,That they mightbeleeue,andnordie intheir fine. The other, That they who nowtreatedwithhim fhoulddie in their finne : butfo, that Chrift our Sauiour fhould not bethecaufeof their damnation, but their owne incredulitie. For that which is fpoken of before it come to paffe, it is therfore fpoken of,becaufe it Thal come to paffe;but it (Fill not therfore come to paffe , becaufe it is fpoken of: For the Diuineprefcience or foreknowledge, though itadMk that which fhall cometo paffe, yet it impofeth not anyneceffi- tie that it fhall come topaffe. SaintPeter thereforedid notdenie Chrift,becaufe ourSauiourtold him, that he fhould denic him. So that diuine knowledge not deceiuingit felfein that which itprophecieth,impofeth no fuch neceffitiethat it fhouldfucceed,nor is it tobe faid tobe thecaufe thereof.saynot thou it is through the Lordthat ¡fell away ; for thououghteft not to doe the things that hee hateth. Say not thou, He bathcaufed me toerre; for hebath noneed ofthefinfull man : fo that he thereprooueth, that God is not the authorof our fins, nor are our ib norances to be attributed vntohim. The Greeke inftead of t4hef1, there reads ' Defeci ; as inferring, That God is not the caufe that I haue failed in that which I ought tohauedone ; for Godabhorring finne, I ought not to commit it. Saint Augufline reads, dickspropter Deum receri,&c. Say not,1went backebecaufe ofthe Lord, heefupplantedmee ;for Godhathnoneedofwicked men. Suringwith that of Saint lames, Let no man when bee is tempted, fayhee is temptedof God, ere. And yet it is PaidbyEzethiel, Egodecepi Prophetam,I haue deceiuedthe Prophet. And by Saint Paul, Tradidit Deus allas inreprobumfenfnm,Godbathdelivered themvp toare- probatefence. It is not tobe faid,That Goddoth it,but permitsit : As a captaine, whoabfentinghimfelfe from his Armie, depriuing themof his fauour, permit S a teth ob. Sol Gods prerci. encenot the Liprobaróns Ea! r5.rr.a=. Rooms!.