Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

18 OfHypocriie. VponAfhwednefday. t.i(ins.s.i9. Worldlin g ; condemnedof theWorld. TheHype trite hath no of Hea haueyoutonote,That if wemakeGod theayme ofall our Workes,we there- by bind him fo much vnto vs, that euen thofewhich he hathnot commanded vs, he willreceive ingoodpart and reward them. Mary Magdalenpoured forth apretious boxof oyntment vponour Saviours head. Now, ifwe fhould haue ask't of our Sauiour whether he woke muchpleafure in this feruice that filedid him, he would haueanfwered,No. But now that the haddone it fauo- ring hergood intention, he defended her againftthofethat murmured thereat ,: andcommending this piece of feruice,hefayd, Ad f peliendum mefecit,i.She did it to bun a me;& caufed this her liheralitieto be publifhed to the whòle World. Davidhadapurpofe to hauebuilt atemple vnto God,and Godacceptedofhis good will ; but yet for fome reafons, willed him not to doe it, Tunon adiftcabis mihi domum,i.Thoufhaltnot buildmean Houfe,&c. They haue receiued their Reward,i.2.Cothing,becaufetheWorld itfelfemuff alfo come tonothing.TheWorld is likea fubtle beaft,whichmakeslittle reckoning of him that feares him : Or likeyour In-keeper,who is moremindfull ofthofe guefts that pay himnot , than thofe that haue truely payd him. The World efteemes moreofonepoore deuoat Soule, that tramples all the honours there- of vnder his feet,and feemes to fcorne the World ; thanof thofe RomanEm- perours which did ferue andhonour it with the vanitieof their triumphs. Their Reward. Diuers holySaints,and graue Philofòphers,hauevttered fuchHyperbolesof the fhortneffe of our life, that withoutan Hyperbole, That which is to come, may in amanner beecounted as part. Seneca calls it aPoint, and leffe than a Point. AndaPoint hath fcarce anymore beingorduration,thanwhat imagina- tion or athought will giue it.A finoke,a fhadow,avapour,and the like,lafts but a littlewhile ; all which, are accommodatedto our life : But aPoint indureth much leffe. And therefore lob fayth, That the ioyofan Hypocrite is but a' Point. Andif this bee their recompence,Receperunt mercedem fuam. Many infirmities in women, feeme greatneffe withchilde,and promifechil- dren, but theyprooue to be lyes and falfhood ; Like that birthof theMoun- taineswhich the Poets feigned, were deliuered in the end,ofa Moufe. Hethat fhall feeanHypocrite clothed withapparences, with outfides of holineffe and vertue , will thinkethat heecarries Heauen in his breft : But it appeareth in the end, that it was not aconception, butan infirmitie. Heereunro loballu- deth,whenbee fayth,Congregatio Hypocrite,flerilie, Thepoficritieandfuccefion of an Hypocrite(hall be barren It (hall conceiue inforrowandbring foorth wicked- neffe. And as a woman after muchpainein her trauaìle, brings foorth aMon- fter; fothe Hypocrite, after hee hathmartyred himfelfe, (hall find no other birth butHell. Their Reward. It is noted, that men much refent the .loffe of theirgreat andtedious labours. As hee, that hawingfpentthirtieyeares in the Indies inbufineffesaspainefull,as bafe and vile, andwithagreat-dealeof toilehauing heaped together a hundred thouflindDucats,whenhe is comeeuento the hauen andreadie to land, fcapes onelywithhis life vpona poore plaüke ; The Souldier, which afterfomany yeares having wearied out his fhoulders with carrying his musket,whenhee comes home poore, hungrie, andvnrewarded, &c. Whence I doe note that euen thefemen haue fome hope ofHeauen; but the Hypocrite, who after three-