Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

tnifottla after A hwednefday. Humility. 31 taught him, Citedicitur,yueddocetur. SaintGregarie telleth vs , Thatthe holy .Ghoft is fuch anexcellent Artifan, that he bath no need oftermes,and fuchand fuch times of ftanding,to create Doctors &Mailers; as was ro be feenein Saint Paul,andthe good Theefe. Petrol Chryfologusfaith, That the like did fucceede withthis Souldier ; andthat ofbeinga Centurionof the RomanSouldiarie,he became on the fudden a Captaineof the Chriftian warfare, and began to teach before hee knewwell how to beleeue : And that the greateft Lights of the Church,repeate(till that Lefl'onwhich he read the firft day of his Faith. Ina word, How eafie a thing is it with God, to inrich the poore in an inftantwith his grace e Facile eftinoculis Dei, fubitohoneflarepamperem, It is an ea fie thingin the fight oftheLord,Çaddenly to makeaporeman rich. Iamnot warthie, be. Before hefaid, 2+I®li vexari, andnow hegiues the rea- fonof it; telling our Sauiour,That his houfe is notworthie theentertainingof fogreat aGueft. Words ofasgreat faith, ashumilitie : Of great Faith, by ac- knowledging thishis diuine Maieftie, wider this vaileof his humane nature Ofgreat Humilitie,by confeffinghimfelfe vnworthie to receiue intohis houfe fo muchVenue and Holineffe. But here is tobee noted , Thatthere is a twofold humilities one ofthe vn- derftanding, another ofthe will : thatofthevnderftanding , wherebya man is brought to thetrue knowledge of his ownvnworthines;that ofthe wil,where- vnto wee readily yeeld ofour owne accords. To expreffe thisa littlemore plainely, There are fome men that are humble,who arehumbled by their own will ; otherfome becomehumble,beeinghumbledbytheirfortune. That the humbled fhould bee humble it is no great vertue ; thegreaterwonder were, that hefhouldgrowproud vponit.But that Honourand Greatneffe fhouldwil- lingly humble it felfe, andof it's owneaccord, Hoc regiumeft, Thia,ì anheroical vertue, and befeeming Kings. Whataglorie was it vnto RingDauid, that being fopowerfullandfo richaPrinceashe was, that he should be more meeke and humblethanachild a Si non humiliterfentieham,6c. What a commendationin lohnBaptf, fohighly honouredboth of Heauen and Earth , that hee fhould confeffe himfelfevnworthie to vnlofe the latchet ofour Sauiors fhooe r What (hall we fayof the Sonneof God,whobeingequall with his Father, willingly humbled himfelfetobecome his Seruant ; teaching others this leffon,, Learn ofme,for I ammeekeandhumble of heart. What fayes the Preacher,Thegreater thouart, thelowlier he thy carriage. And for this is our Centurion heerecom- mended,being fo greataCommander as he was; Forralfoam aman under authe- ritie, and1fay toone, Goe, andhegeeth ;andtoanother, Come, andhecomma. Saint Mullen faithofhim, That by confef inghimfelfe vnworthie,he madehimfelfe moreworthie : for there isno difpofitionfo fit for thereceiuing of God,as that which acknowledgeth andconfeffeth it's ownevnworthineffe. And Saint Am- brofe beatingupon the fame point, faith, That thofe houfeswhich feemed too ftreight andtoonarrowto receiue our Sauiour Chrift,were made largeenough by confeffing theirvnworthineffe to receiue him. But heredoth thatplace of Saint Paul offer it felfe, He that¡halleat ofthis Bread, anddrinke this Cap Anworthi- ly, ¡hall bee guiltie of the Badit andBlend of Chrift. Now ifhee that receiues Chrift vnworthily(hallbe heldguiltie of hisbodieandbloud ; Shall not hee much more be condemned,in confeffinghimfelfe vnworthie to receiue him Ianfwer, That in the Communion thereare twomannerofdignities tobecon- fidered ; one of the perfonwhich receiueth Chrift our Sauiour ; the other of the difpofnionandpreparationwherewithhee receiueth him . Touching the firft, Greg.Hom.;o. in Egg chty/ser. ts. Fides. t c _i. R" ° °m eubsersy.