Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

muft patiently after Aíhwednefdaÿ. Serm.3. beare c their iniuries. Mario( out ofhis graue. But our Sauiour Chrift croffing this Law, faith; This was the Lawof Old, An Eyefor an Eye , anda Tooth fora Tooth ; but I fay vnto. you,That he that Ihall ftrike youon the onechecke, tohim flail you turne the other. Saint Auflenexpounding this place, obfèrueththeft two things: the one,That weareto anfweran iniurie with two fuffiings, or adoublekind of fuf- ferance ; and that is, toturne the other cheeke.The other, Thatiohim thatfhall ftrikevs on theone cheeke, we are to (hewhim agood countenance,not giuing him halfe a face, orill face ; and this isto turne the other cheeke. And Naziaa- din addeth, That if a man had tencheekes, he fhould turne themallvetohim. But 1ray vetoyou . Nothing dothmore greeuea Father , than to fee difcord among(t his children, 1nimicitiafratrumparentibmagrauifirma. Dauidwhennews was brought him, That Leibf lon had killed all the Kings fonnes,he grieued ex- ceedingly. Now if earthly fathers, whoare but fathersin Law,haue fo great a feeling thereof, What (hä11God thew:Egoautem , I, who feele your hurtes ; I, who lode euerie oneofyòu, as if youwere allbut one ; I, who preferre your wrongsbefore mineowne,andwill fooner reuengethem, ifyou loue rue ; I fay unto you, Wiremimieos vefiros, Lomeyour enemies. And that this fencibleneffemaybe thebetter perceiued, twodifferences are tobe noted. The one,That earthly fathersdoeordinarily loue their children difequally, one betterthananother, I knownot why nor wherefore ; but God louethall alike, andmaketh as muchofone as another. Philon askeththe queffion, Why the preceptsofthe Decalogue fpeake toeuerie one inparticular,as iftheyfpake only to him aloneThou.fhaltnot fweare,Thou (halt not fteale,&c.& his anfwer is,That euerie particular perfonby himfelfe is asdeere vnto God,as all mankind put together : And he prooueth it by this,That he faith vnto euerie one, I am thy God; being the Godof all. The fècond, That earthly fathersloue themfelues better than their children; but God loues his childrenbetter than himfelf;his puniflunëts arelikewifeleffe feuere, aswe may fee inAdam, and inCaine. Againe,in the LawofMatrimonie, tomarrie with anvnbeleeuing wife doth not diffolue that bond, if Thee content not thereunto ; Non dimittatillam, Lethim notpat her away, itis S.Panls ; but if (heafterwardsb_comean Adultereffe, he might bediuorced from her, and (bee be condemnedtobe (toned to death. Item, in that precept, Thou fhalt not fweare; a lawfall oath is notprohibited, forcompofingofdifferences betwixt neighbourand neighbour : and if in matter ofprofit oneman fhallexaétvpon another,and will not forgiueamite,lethimaffurehimfelfe that God willloofe nothingof hisright; For threetranfgref.<ionsI willturne, (faith Arno;)6, for foure Iwillnot turne. Thofe three,were Idolatrie, Fornication, andMatrimonie;inde- grees forbidden,offences belonging vntoGod : The fourth were, the wrongs and injuries done vnro our neighbour ; andhefaith,That hewillpardon theone, but notthe other. And therefore our Sauiour Chrift being delrous to cut off all feditionanddifcordbetwixt his beloued children,hefaith,Ego autemdicovo- bù,dzltgrte inimicos ve/fros, óc. But Ifay untoyou, Loueyour Enemies. But / /ayvntoyo.e. Manylight ocafions endgreat enmities. Fir.`t, Time which weares them out,andmakes them tobequite forgotten. Secondly, New aliances,by marrying the onewith the other. Thirdly,Thegreathurt that comes thereby. Two enemies at laft perceiue, thatthereby theydimini(hboth their eftates and honours ; and in the end fal in- to thisconfderation, Thatif they biteoneanother, they (hall bedeuoured one of 47 .44.(i. deSer. irt Plut. depietat sratfra. Rearonawlty there(houki be nodilli Telleramong Chtiaiana. Aureia.v.t.