Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

63+ Indasbani- fhedout of theworld all Vertur,Loue, andFeare. Two notable follies committed by Ina, in theSale ofour Sauiour. Of theLords Supper. wreftling and ftrugling in the breaft ofourSauiour Chrift : Theone, to retume to his father from whence hecame; The other, not todepart from his Spoufe here on earth; hisLoue did lay aplot how he might goeaway,and yet (by. And thiswas the vpfhotofhis Loue. When the dine(' hadnowput in the heart of!idea,&e. Iris noted bySaint John, That at the lametimeas our Sauiour Chrift was bufiedaboutthe performing a point of that fo meekeand lowly a humilitie , as hiswaffling ofhis Difciples feet, andcommunicatingvetothem hisbody and blood; theveryfame rime did the diuell enterintoWas hisbreath Saint Ghryfoflomeaddeth,eísdmirans,dixit; That theEssangelifl /poke thin, at it werein themayofadmiration ; Camdiabolos mifif- Jet incor, When theclink hadput it intits heart,¿&c.. Our thoughts are like graucll Rovesgot into the fhoo,which Satanputs intomans heart, and made Inch haft to thruft them into Judauhisheart,that he was much perplexed and troubled there- with Come few dayes : but the batteriecontinuing, he fell at laft to a finali refo- lution, and whenhe was refolued what he woulddoe , himfelfe made the offers offellingour Sauiour Chrift. fuidvultiemibi dare ? What will yeasineme? In which faleof his,two notablefollies aratobe noted. Theone, His fellingofhis Sauiour vpon rruft. S.Marke and S. Lukefay, They promifedtogiue himmoney. The other, His felling ofhim at fo low arate,ftanding to their curtefie what they wouldgiue him.The diuell offeredour SauiorChrift all the whole world. But Judas was fo bale, That he went awaywell contentedwith three Blanks,be- ing willing to play at fmall game rather than tofit out. For he that is acovetous wretch, euen with the diuell hjanfelfè loofeth his credit. And therefore the Church Riles him avery Pedlar the bafeft and worft ofmerchants. Todaymer- catorpefsimw. Saint Gregoriefaith', That Judos didbanifh fromthe world three things ofgreatpriceandvalue. The one,TrueLoue : For euerynce that falfeand treacherouskiffe ofJudas, mens affeEtions haue likewifegrówne tobe falfe, and loue to becounterfeit and feigned,vfingftrangedifguifes.lvfany imbracing thofe in their acmes, whofe throats they cut in their hearts. The other,Vcrtue: For hypocrifie puts ona thewofSanc`.titie,maskes her felfe withHolineffe,and diffemblesgood delires. The third, Feare : For hethat is nor afraid tobetrayGod,What will heRand inFeare of Gregoriezianzenfaith , That infelling our Sauiour Chrift, hee loft all the right and claimethat hehad tohis blood : for noman canchallengeany rightto thatwhich he fells ;fo that he did vtterly renounce all kindofremedie, or anie foulecomfort whatfoeuer. Saint Bernardfaith,Thar by committingtreafon againft the Lord both ofhea- urnandearth,he had Co highly offended therein, that neither of them, would giue him any reception or entertainement at his death; only, hauing han- ged hime1fe, the Liement of theAyre kept him tottering there to his fur- therdifgrace. When thediuell hadpst itinhis heart. There arefome finnesfo foule, and fo enormious,that for toceafe vpon them, aman had needto haue Washis heart, and the diuellshands. He that is weake and fraile, may finne out of a naturaliin- clination, or tome long continuedcuftome,and euery occafion will befufficient to make him fiveafterhis game, as the Hawkedoth after hir prey, Stc. But to doe illtohim that dothvs good, wehadneed ofthe helpeofa ludo, oradiuell.