Torerurneeaillfergood, Of theLords Supper. Ser.41. 635 the molt diuellifil tnna lofephbeing woedby his wanton Miftriffe toldher,Jomodopotero,Beingbound vnto myMatter with fo manychaises ofhis loue and kindneffes towards mee,, How can I doe him fo great a wrong Saul was much more beholding to David, than lofeph to Putaphar,yet the diuell tookeftrong hold ofhim , Spiritus Domi- ni maims vrgebatSaul. But let no temptation take hold on you but that which is humane. He layethglide hisvppergarments.S.lerem in his Epiftle to Celancia,faith, lvrhilefl imperiofius amore, Thereis nothingof more power andcommand, than Ioue.Pha- raoh leauingouer the gouernmentofÆgypt vnto lofeph, faid vntohim, Without thee 'hallnoman liftvp hishandor hisfootin allthe landoff.Egypt. It may teem that Godfaid the like toLoue, who drewGoddowne fromheauen to hue here vp- on earth r It was Louc, who led himalong through the ftreeres to Mount Cal - uarie, triumphing thereouer his power : It was Loue, andonely loue. O Loue, ifthou be fo imperious, as to triumph ouer God him felfe; Who (hall beeable to refill thee Ahfyuetuoimperio,&e. Without this Loue,wecanneither ftirrehand nor foot,no not breath,or hueone houre. Helayethafdehisgarment. Well did he repay that kind loueoftheirs, inca- fling their clokes before his feet, whenhe road in Triumph through Ierufalem, carrying palmes in their hands. And he inRead ofwaffling the palmes oftheir hands,difdained not to ftoope fo lowas to wafh their feet. Saint Bernard faith, Thatthe Spoufe didcomplaine,that the Gards ofthe Citiehad takenhercloake away, Tolleruntpalliummean:: Donot ye therefore complaine ifyebee ftripped flarkenaked for Gods fake, lincehe was pleafed to lay afide his garments to doe you feruice. He begantowa/1 theD f iplesfeet. Hehad hidbefore, Knowing thatthe Father hadginen allthings intohis hands. And Hilarieaddeth,, Etiamproditorem. So that God.hauing put Chriftinto ludohands,Chrift putshimfelfevnderWashisfeet. O Iodas (faithhe) though thouhaft given thyheart vntothe diuell yet I pray theegiue me thy feet,that I may bath themwith the tearsofmine eyes,Thouhaft put all thingsvnder hisfeet, The birds ofthe ayre, thebeau'softhe field, and the fifhes ofthefea. This is much : But if God fhould haue reuealedvnto thee,that thou fhouldít feehis fonne waffling luder his feet, &c. ndthere eppearedagreat wonder inheauen,a woman cloathedwith theSonne, andthe cfoone was vndér berfeet. Heaucn beingtocloth her, what could it cloth her better withall, than with theSun and the Moone r Buta greater wonderis it, to fee theSonofheauen vn- derludas his feet.O heauens,are ye not afhamed to fee thofehands which created you,whichdidborderyou aboutwith light,as with arich imbroyderie,tobe foi- led with the fouleneffeof fuch feet r For to looke her loft groat, thegood wife fwepther houfe ouerand ouer, turningand lifting this and that other heape of aft, leauing no corner vnfearcht, rill fhehad found it.Godbath two houfes : TheChurch Triumphant, The ChurchMilitant. He did turne the firft vpfidedown, w henhe kneeled on hisknees to wafh In- ks feet. Saint Jerome faith,Ruantumcnnyue tohumilies,humilior Chriflononeris, Be thou newerfohumble, Chr fwiltbe more humble then thou canfi be. For hee will put himfelfe vnderthy feet, As hedidhere flowpe to ludas. O Lord,forfo forlorne a foule,whichmuff be loft atlaft,fo muchpains forto little profit, fo much loftlabour for one that is loft. Firít ofall , a Fathers care ouerhis ficke fonne, towhom bee beareth loue, is farre different from that which the Phyfition takes, who onely cures him for Loue trium- phed even o- uer God him- Ielfe. Grn.41.44. No humilttie likeour Saul. OUTS. God bath two houfes.