Thewhole lifeof our Saul- 636 our,a pattemeof pouertie. TheholySa- crament nut tobe receiued, but with a great dealt of preparation. Nopeeparati- on fufficient for the Holy Supper. Of the LordsSupper. forhis owneprivat profit andparticular intereft. Secondly, BecauíeLoue canneter bee fubdued ; where it findesone loft , it thinkesall loft. At the Wedding therewas but one found vnfitredfor his gar- ment, Yet this inferencewas made vponit, cïtlany arecalled, but few are chefin. Saintvtvgufitne faith, That one isa greatloffe,wherethere isgreat Loue : and with the loffè of ludas, Loue was fo much agrieued, that Saint vlmbrofe faith, That the freeingof the Theefe out of the Deuills hands, was done in reuenge oftheloffe oftudas. The Deuill was much ioyed that hehad robbedour Saui- ourof fucha friend,as oneofthe Twelue ; but hehad beetle as good let him a- lone, for he loft aTheefe when he was vpon the Gailowes, and thought hewas fire then his owne. Plus amififi,quam rapuijli, Thou loft more thanthougot;thou robít God of a Theefe,that had bcene thine but a fewdays; and he robbed thee ofanother thecf , whichhad beenethine for many yeares. Hebegan to wafb,&c. Being tobeftow vpon themhis bodie andblood hee thought fit firtt ofalito beginwith the mAing cleaneof theirfeet , bywhich the Scripture vnderítands,our defeEts and foulcneffeof oar affeEtions, intoken of that dilpotition and preparationwherewith we are tocome to the receiuing of fo diuinea Sacrament. Allthe whole life of our Sauiour Chrift was a pat- terne of pouertie, and that in the higheft degree. Theportallwherein heewas borne,was hungwith Cobwebs in Read ofTapiftrie ; thr Cratch anda lockeof Hay,werethe fheet and pillow to his cradle;álthe whole fpace ofhis life,he had notaplacewhere to leane andteahis head : his death wasvpon Mount Calua- rie, aplacefull ofdeadwens fçulls andbones, whofebodieshad Cofferedby the fwordof Iuttice. But forthe inílitutionof this diuine Sacrament,hehad made choice of a goodly large Hall,well furnifhed,and handfomely fet forth ; and for the confecrationof the Wine, a Cupmade (as force thinke)of a coftly Agar, which is offeredtobefeene in the Afjëo of Valencia. Firít,to liignifievntovs, That gold,filuer,and pretious (tones, are on nothing fo well bellowed as on theferuice of God. Secondly,That he that fitsdowne at this facredTable, mutt come accompa- niedwithgreat richesof venue , and great pureneífe of confcience. To your greatand felemne banquets,thofe that are inuited come thither in a fumptuous and gallant kind of manner; yourRomans did c'oath themfelues all in white, for theyheld fuchan inuitation fo facred a thing, thatit was heldagreat lhame and infamie toany that lhould fully the famewith any kindofdeceit or rreafon. TheGofpell condemned him that camevnto themarriage withouthis wedding garment. Saint Cyprian faith, Thatweought to pleafethofe Diuine eyes,euen with our outward habit. Saint Hierome tellsvs, That whenhe had dreamed in the night any difnonelt dream,he did tremble & quake for fearewhen he entred into Gods Houf . Abulenfisreporreth,That thecaufe ofoza'r deathwas,for that having laien that night withhiswife,heprefumed to touch theArke.TheLiber- tine Councell dothadmonilh vs, That they who are to communicate, ought to abftaineeight dayes from conuerfationwith women. The fame aduice is giuen vsby Saint Aagnflrneand Saint Hierome : and it is a ftrange DoEtrineto my fee- ming, Thathe that is tofay Matte euerie morning, fhould fpend the nights with his the-friend, Let euerie mari firntrieand examinehimfelfe,and thenlet hinfo eat of this bread, anddrinke of this Cup,é-c. fo that amaneither mutt examine himfelfe, ormutt nor; Ifhe mutt let him weigh his worthinesandvnworthinesOfhe fhall find himfelfe vnworthie,hemull rather excommunicate& remove hrmfelfefrom the Altar. Saint Augufline faith, That oneof themainett reafons why our Sauiour Chrift